Tuesday, July 28, 2020

The News

 Snippets from the news. Maryland researchers have determined the parents of school aged children have increased their alcohol consumption during this covid crisis. No kidding, close all the parks, close Chucky Cheese, tell the kids to stay inside, and guess what? Mom and Dad need a drink! Well Mom and Dad have to spend all day together too, any wonder everyone needs a drink? BTW domestic violence has taken an uptick as well. There is also concern that child abuse is on the rise. Well, corporeal punishment anyway, which in todays world is child abuse! Mustn't ever tell children no or impose any discipline on them, have a drink instead.
 Then I read where New York State has passed legislation that says, if you go to traffic court, are found guilty and fines or fees imposed, you don't really have to pay them. The state can not suspend or revoke your license for non-payment. In fact they have also created an easy payment plan for your convenience. What to speed, drive recklessly or otherwise violate the traffic laws, no problem, you can do that on the payment plan! If I were the comptroller of New York I wouldn't be expecting too much revenue from that plan. Why pay if they can't take it away. That should be the new slogan for the DMV. The reasoning is low income and minorities can't afford to pay the fines and that's not fair. Same reasoning behind that bail reform and that's working out well isn't it? Well next is I can't afford to go driving school, pay for insurance, buy a car, or pay for maintenance on that car. The State should provide me with all of that because, well I can't afford it and that's not fair. A Lincoln Navigator should do just fine thanks.
 Another snippet of news was explaining how spray painting slogans of hate speech on buildings is really a form of street art. Yes, if you are protesting and begin defacing property by spray painting " approved " slogans on buildings that isn't vandalism, it's art! Yes, I actually heard that narrative from an elected official. Those folks have a right to peacefully protest. Well I agree with that,  the first amendment says that. Thing is it doesn't say vandalism is a part of that. And the use of tear gas is just cruel! The police should be asking these peaceful protestors to please stay behind the barricades. But should they choose not to comply just stand down, don't do anything about that, just ask again, politely. And if they choose to tear down a statue or two, that's just fine.
 I also heard that federal agents are abducting people off the streets, sticking them in unmarked vans, and whisking them away, never to be seen again! Just because these folks are attacking the police, destroying private and public property, is no reason to abduct them! News flash, that's really called being arrested for criminal activity. The vans are unmarked for a very good reason, wouldn't want those peaceful protestors to overturn that van, set in on fire, and harm the peaceful people that are being abducted would we? No, we have to do our best to protect them. It's really the same logic as vandalism is art. It's just this art is invisible.
 Well that's only a few things I heard in the news that amuses me. All these researchers finding out amazing things. Parents drinking more, who would have thought. And I keep hearing that it is hot outside and I need to drink water. Whew, good thing for meteorologists or I'd never know about that. 

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