Sunday, October 13, 2019

stick to the script

 Could be just me, but I wonder if anyone else has noticed? A lot of posts on Facebook these days ask you to copy and paste. The reasons for doing so are usually to prove something. If you love Jesus or oppose something like cruelty to animals, stuff like that. I wonder if anyone supports cruelty to animals but that's another topic altogether. To me all of those posts are like a chain letter and I will not participate. Now if you enjoy it, go for it. I have to state that clearly or face being accused of something, anything, because I don't agree. So to be clear, if you enjoy the copy and paste thing by all means copy and paste.
 I don't normally copy and paste just because I find it annoying. I will not be cajoled, guilt tripped or in any way made to feel like I have to do that, for any reason. If it means my eternal damnation, so be it. Another reason is because of others on the internet that use that particular thing as a tool. We call them hackers and they are up to no good. Now I don't like it but can understand a crook. They want my information to enrich themselves, if possible. I get that. What I don't get is why you would just want to mess someone's computer up? I fail to see the entertainment value in that. If I want to do something, good or bad, I also want to see the result. Do you know what I mean? What satisfaction can you get from not knowing? Well, like I said, I fail to see the point.
 All that being said I will copy and paste certain things. If I feel something has value as information, or entertainment, I may copy and paste. I will copy and paste web addresses to share. I'm not against copy and paste, just the notion that I can somehow affect the outcome of the world by a failure to do that. I am pleased when I see that someone shared something I posted. It's an acknowledgement that they found it interesting. worthy of their time to share. The value being in that it was unsolicited. Like paying a stranger a compliment. I appreciate that.
 In the same vein I don't get the whole ribbon thing either. I'm supposed to wear a specific colored ribbon to show support. 99% of these causes are ones that no one would disagree with in the first place. C'mon who likes cancer? There are ribbons for, breast cancer, substance abuse, HIV/AIDS, leukemia, multiple sclerosis, suicide, mental illness, lupus and epilepsy, just to name a few. I googled a partial list and there where 38 on that! Is there anyone that likes any of these things? Why do we need to pin our empathy to our sleeves? Are we looking for approval? Sure seems that way to me. Look at me, I support fighting breast cancer! That means I'm a good person. Just seems more self serving than anything else. Charity shouldn't require recognition. Neither should empathy. Remember almost two years ago we were being told to wear a safety pin? It was to show others that you were a safe space! That's right, you could wear this safety pin and that would reassure others that you would agree with anything! You were safe! Yeah, but that one got laughed off the street. Even the most liberal among us thought it was a bit too much. Besides, it certainly was a good way to invite someone into your lair, if you were that type of person, like offering candy to a baby.
  So let me add a disclaimer here as well. If you like wearing your ribbon, wear your ribbon. Yes, I have made known my feelings on that and offer no apology for that. I also don't like those croc shoes on men, just so you know. I don't hate everyone that wears a ribbon or crocs. I don't hold a grudge against those that urge others to copy and paste to save their souls or the world in general. I am just expressing my opinion on those things. Feel free to judge me, I believe everyone judges everyone else no matter what ribbon you wear or don't wear. I have noticed that telling the truth does get you in trouble these days. Not supposed to do that, only express the obvious, those things that people have no choice but to support and then deride others should they fail to immediately laud your efforts! Whatever you do, do not attempt to use facts or logic! Just stick to the script! If you don't know the script just listen to the main stream media, they'll keep you up to speed on that. Or just copy and paste. No independent thought allowed. 

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