Friday, October 25, 2019


 Since beginning blogging, although it turns into more of a journal at times, I have become more aware of my moods. It happens when I can't decide what I want to write about. As I think about possible topics I become aware that I'm happy, sad, angry or whatever. I don't believe it changes anything, just that I am made aware. A new consciousness? Maybe you could describe it that way, it does sound rather Zen. Japanese Buddhists came up with that, probably after writing all those characters in their language. I'm thinking it would change my mood for sure. But I'm beginning to wander off.
 I haven't recorded these moods, or charted them out on a graph, but I think they are cyclic in nature. Maybe I should start writing that down. That would seem " Sheldon " like, you know the character on Big Bang. I'm a little worried about that, the first week of October is Mental Illness Awareness Week! Graphing your moods could be taken the wrong way. Think I'll just leave that alone. But I do think there is a cycle in all of that. Or at least it seems that way every time I become aware. Of course there are a finite number of moods you can experience unless of course you go off the chart! No telling what moods those folks experience. Well I suppose they are the same moods just taken to an extreme. I can see that happening. Not to me though, I'm just passionate.
 Having composed in excess of 3200 of these posts I have repeated myself a few times. I am begining to see what topics I visit more often. Morality, ethics, and religion seem to be the major topics. I have written a number of " stories " that are just memories from my past. I do enjoy writing what I call speculative blogs. This is one of those. There is no right and wrong, just a guess. Yes I will present my speculations in a factual way, to do otherwise would seem like a deceit. It's what I think, based on what I have read or experienced. I make no claims to being a scholar or an expert in anything.          Sometimes these blogs are nothing more than a conversation with myself that I chose to share. I am aware of political correctness and what prevailing attitudes are. That doesn't mean I agree or will comply. That sometimes leads to problems, for others though, not me. I already knew what I thought. When you begin surprising yourself it's back to Mental Illness Awareness Week.
 I have to remind myself every now and again why I started writing these blogs. Initially I was just amused that a old boy from a corner of the world most would not know about could have a world wide platform. I'm still somewhat amazed by that. I haven't gone " viral " or have a great number of " followers " but the possibility exists. The evidence is before me, I have seen and heard from all sorts of people that I'm certain would never have happened if not for this web. It's pretty cool. I began writing not to entertain others but to leave a record. They say nothing ever disappears from the web, well unless it is on Hillary Clintons' server, then, well I'll just leave that there. But my point is I have to remind myself that I'm not writing for popularity, or entertainment, as both of those actions would change the conversation. It's not difficult to tell people what they want to hear.
 This morning I woke up annoyed. Annoyed at the world in general is the way I would describe it. There is no particular thing just an aggregate. Seems like common sense has left the building at times. And then I'm annoyed that I can't put my finger on anything to carry on about. Well it's just a mood, it'll pass. Can we change our mood at will? No, I don't think we can, although it is possible to get distracted. Maybe that is what annoys me, too many people are distracted by nonsense. Have we, as a nation, lost focus? What is the most important thing in your life? I believe most people would agree it is family. Could be we need to focus on our family before worrying about the neighbors! Yeah, I'm annoyed this morning.         

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