Sunday, October 20, 2019

leaving the house

 Five years ago, as part of a coalition, the United States began providing aid to the Syrian rebels fighting ISIL. This aid was of a non-lethal variety, food and pick up trucks. The Obama administration authorized a plan to train 15,000 Syrian combat troops. 500 million dollars later a few dozen fighters had been trained and the program canceled. At the same time the CIA was conducting a similar program, a bit more successful than the other program it was canceled after one billion dollars was spent. That was in 2017 and yes Trump was the one that canceled it. Didn't hear much about that in the news though. Interesting to note is that the Obama administration initially limited our troops to a maximum of 503 personnel. Individual commanders were given the authority to exceed that number if it became a military necessity. The number rose to about 2500 over time. Yup, the Trump administration allowed that to take place. Of course now that Trump has decided to withdraw the Troops, back to about 400, a little less than Obama allowed it's an international tragedy. Another interesting thing to note is the coalition forces, yeah those other nations that are supposed to be helping refused to send any more troops.
 Now the United States has spent about 11.5 million dollars a day, every day since 2014 when we first intervened. Think about that. What if we spent 11.5 million a day helping our own citizens, what difference would that make? Wouldn't do much for the politicians and businesses dependent upon the war making machinery but surely would help with domestic issues. The question is, why are we there, in Syria, in the first place? Well, the first objective was to help get rid of Assad. Excuses were made for this support of rebels fighting a civil war, yeah we took sides in that. Syria is a key player in the middle east and the middle east means what? Oil. Enough said. Then Russia began offering support to Assad, an old friend and ally. So what we have is basically a proxy war against our old nemesis, Russia. The only difference is the ones actually getting killed are the Syrians fighting against each other. Yes they are Kurds and Iranian troops as well. Yes we have some special forces guys involved in actual combat, about 300 or so spread across Syria. The vast majority of our troops provide air support and advice! Now I'm no military commander but if I have a force of three hundred men spread out over hundreds of miles opposing a force of Iranians, Isil, probably some Russians and others my advice would be, send more troops! Could be that's the reason I hear that on the news, you know the Generals getting upset that Trump is pulling out the troops. Personally I think it's a fine idea. Let them fight it out among themselves.
 This is, of course, all political. It's about controlling natural resources, namely oil, and forming alliances. Just like on those reality TV shows instead of direct conflict we are attempting to work behind the scenes. We are fighting Russia while living in the same house. No one wants a direct confrontation between two countries with the military might we possess. So we get to play puppet masters. Also the reason we are concerned with who gets what weapons. Have you noticed there is little said about North Korea lately? That situation is on the back burner. Russia not wanting to stir things up too much. World politics can make for some strange bedfellows. All us little people can do is watch from the sidelines, unless we are dragged into the fight. When it comes time for people to get hurt the politicians step aside and in go the troops. I don't believe we need to be in this civil war. I'm all for leaving the house! Big Brother is calling the shots though, never forget that. The producers control the show and the narrative, we are just here to play the part. 

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