Wednesday, October 23, 2019


 I'm watching the morning news and the weather lady is wearing slacks, the news desk people are cracking jokes and in general acting informally. I was remembering when that wasn't so, I remember when the news shows were just cold, factual programs with an air of dignity. At the end of the program the anchor man would give an editorial. It wasn't a political statement, just an opinion. It was certainly a more formal setting. I can't help but think, lots of things used to be more formal than they are today. Weddings, funerals, classrooms and going to church services to name a few. I'm thinking it was better that way. It did, as we might say today, raise awareness. That's been replaced with a ribbon. As long as you wear the ribbon that's all that is necessary, no other effort required. And yes, it did take effort to get up, get dressed, and confront the day. It is what was expected. We weren't expected to be survivors, we were supposed to conquer. Yes, a different attitude than today I would say.
 I think it all speaks to accountability. Personal accountability that is. There were expectations to be met and a failure to do so wasn't easily excused. There was no rush to place the blame elsewhere. The first place to look for the problem was you! You knew better than that was the common response. It was left to you to explain your choices, it wasn't societies' fault. Hey, if all your friends jumped off that bridge would you do that too? That is what I heard often enough when I made questionable decisions. Yup, it was my fault, no matter what the others chose to do. 
 The thing is today it is more about being entertained than anything else. That's why the news is presented the way it is. The entertainment factor is far more important than distributing information. The news will tell you how and what to think! They are your friends, your buddies, and that is why they act the way they do. The weather man is slowly being replaced by the weather lady. Her job is to look great while telling you the forecast. Some make it to the news desk as well. The guys are still wearing a suit and tie but I expect that dress to be relaxed soon. Same as politicians taking off their jackets and rolling up their sleeves, the message being, I'm just like you. Saw one lady wearing her mom jeans and a jean jacker while campaigning in the mid-west. I'm just like you. 
 It also seems to me we are encouraged to be concerned with the obvious. What I mean to say is, to wear those ribbons, to rant and rave about the things that are obvious. I want to know who likes cancer or muscular dystrophy. We are making national laws about cruelty to animals. Just who is saying that it is acceptable to be cruel to animals? Do we need a law for that? Bullying, do we need anyone to tell us, to raise awareness, that bullying is wrong? But the agenda is just that. We will support those causes that we are certain everyone agrees with. If they don't, let the name calling begin! Above all else we mustn't tell anyone they made a bad choice! You mustn't judge them. It isn't their fault, it is probably yours! Now about the best you can be is a survivor. No matter the choices you made, you are to be hailed as a survivor. That's the goal these days. Don't be concerned with how you got where you are, just know you survived! It's not your fault. Relax, just enjoy yourself, someone will take care of you. Someone will be held accountable, just not you.  

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