Wednesday, October 16, 2019

sentiment and pride

 Yesterday I spoke of treasure. I was talking about those things that I have a sentimental attachment too. I do make an effort to pass that sentiment to others in the hope it stays alive. Like a Hallmark movie, the value of sentiment is in the sharing of it. It is that way with many things. I do however retain certain memories for myself, the choicest tidbits as it where. Still, the greatest joy comes from sharing those sentiments.
 Last evening as I scrolled down my Facebook timeline I read an exciting notice. My granddaughter, Morgan, has been accepted in the National Honor Society! I knew her grades were worthy, I had read her essay that is required as part of the application process, and now it is confirmed. What can one say but, congratulations. It is true her older brother Mark was also a member of that society. Now I won't say she followed in his footsteps because Morgan walked her own path to success! Morgan deserves the credit and the praise. She did the work and now enjoys the reward, and that is just as it should be. I am looking forward to attending her induction ceremony.
 It is all those moments with my children and now grandchildren that I hold closest of all. The purest form of joy is happiness for others. It takes a parent or grandparent to fully understand that. I remember the little markers and milestones that got those children to where they are today. Yes, I said children, for our children remain ever so regardless of time, and grandchildren the same. Award assemblies, school plays, report cards, all the triumphs and tragedies that constitute life. I have shared that with them. Every once and a while another shining moment appears on the horizon and this is surely one of those times. I'm thinking I'm prouder of her accomplishment than she is! That is also as it should be, accomplishment, like fine wine takes time to fully mellow. It is then we can enjoy that.
 Perhaps that's why I have my treasures. The appreciation for them has grown over time. Oh there are some objects that were lost do to my own negligence that can not be replaced. I haven't lost or misplaced any memories however, at least not yet. Another reason I started writing them down I suppose. I have awards and letters from my Navy days that meant very little to me at the time I received them. Medals and ribbons awarded to be displayed on your uniform. As anyone that has served would tell you there value lies in having earned the right to wear them, at least while on active duty that is, following that they take on other meaning, sentiment replacing pride.
 I'm confident that there are more moments to come. Morgan has yet to complete high school, her brother is a freshman in college. There are those events to look forward too. So many possibilities. None of us can know what tomorrow will bring, even when we are expecting it. I was confident when Morgan applied to the honor society. I expected her to be accepted and thrilled when I heard that she was. I immediately posted her picture and that news to Facebook. As the congratulations and likes accumulated so too my pride swelled. It has brought me much joy. It's almost as I had been awarded the invitation myself. I want to stand in her spotlight! Is that selfish? No, I say it is reward. Thank you Morgan for being you. You have added to my treasure. Congratulations. 

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