Thursday, March 28, 2019


 With Easter just around the corner the Peeps have arrived. I have a package on my desk right now. A small slit has been cut into the cellophane to allow for aging. That's because like a fine wine, peeps do require aging. Once you obtain just the right amount of staleness, they are ready to enjoy. My sister shared that love of a slightly hardened peep. Only people with the finest taste buds can discern such a delicacy. I still prefer the traditional chick but the bunnies run a very close second. Yellow of course.
 Now peeps have been readily available in the United States since 1953. That's the year I was born. Peeps were not the star in my Easter basket, that spot was the chocolate rabbit. The solid chocolate ones were the best, although rare. I usually got those hollow ones. Always starting at the ears and working my way down. I would pry the candies loose that formed his eyes or whatever. At some point the peeps did make an appearance in those Easter baskets, unwrapped they sat among the grass. The grass would be stuck to the edge that had been separated and I expect that is where I acquired the taste for them to be slightly stale. I didn't eat everything in one day, this basket of candy had to last. That candy was mine, in my Easter basket, as good as being in a safe. You were not allowed to touch anything in someone elses' basket! That was an unwritten rule, a sort of code of Easter. Worked like that with Halloween candy as well.
 I am aware that Peeps are available year round these days. They come in many shapes and sizes for all occasions. I will buy them occasionally but they are not the same as the Easter ones. It's a mental thing, I know that, but still the Easter chicks are the best. I think I may be unconsciously reserving those peeps for Easter to preserve a memory. Like everything else if you get it all the time it begins to lose its' luster. I do believe that is becoming a problem today, too much of everything, available all the time. Nothing is special anymore! My mother tells me when she was little getting an orange for Christmas was a special thing. Oranges were expensive and rare in the northeast in December. They weren't shipped north all the time like they are today. Something as simple as an orange became special. Peeps became special to me for a reason I can't explain. Perhaps it is as simple as I associate them with Easter.
 I have discovered it is the things we deny ourselves that often bring the greatest pleasure. All things in moderation. The Bible doesn't say that in those exact words but does encourage moderation in our nature. If you have it, whatever it is, everyday, it isn't special anymore, it is commonplace. I remember getting new clothes for Easter, that was special. You tried to keep them special for a while anyway, eventually they became everyday. Not one to buy a lot of clothes I still maintain that habit to an extent. I have my " good " clothes and my everyday ones. I still dress accordingly.
 Easter is later this year, spring has arrived already. My grandkids have reached an age where Easter baskets are not an important thing. Truth is they haven't been for a few years now. They are still young enough to not have sentimental memories of Easter though. That will come with the years. I have many pleasant memories of Easter, the basket and going to church. It was an exciting time. Easter will always include peeps for me. Luckily they are marshmallow so enjoying them shouldn't become an issue in my advancing years. Don't really need teeth to enjoy them. LOL Things to consider. I will try to refrain from buying the seasonal peeps, try to keep them as special. It can be difficult to deny yourself these things, but it is called adulting.
 Now you could say peeps at Easter are a tradition. They are a tradition to me anyway. What makes a tradition? Well I think traditions are nothing more than animated memories. They may be the collective memory or individual memories. Traditions don't have to be old to be valid. We tend to think of them that way though. Maybe that is because they are our memories and aren't memories old? Slightly stale yellow chicks, it's Easter. 

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