Friday, March 1, 2019

a few thoughts

 I can't help it, I'm a generous person. Share and share alike I always say. For that reason I offer my opinions, freely and without restraint. Often the only reward I receive for my generosity is angry retorts and name calling. It's the new dialogue of the left. All I can do is smile and provide some insight. Unfortunately that insight is being lost on the blind. Well, I'll just keep on offering my opinion anyway. Persistence will eventually wear them down. It has been said if you repeat something long enough, people will believe it.
 I do enjoy social media and the interaction it provides. There are many corners you can run to if you wish to just stay safe. But, I like to explore and roam those areas outside of my personal experience. How else can you learn about things if you don't do that? For that reason I sometimes find myself running a gauntlet. Like an angry mob I have been attacked on several occasions. The reason? I spoke the truth. One thing I have noticed is, if you want to upset people, tell the truth. You don't have to direct that truth at any one individual or group, just post a simple statement of truth and you will be confronted. One example is, Michael Cohen is a convicted liar. A simple statement of fact, it's the truth. Yet, yesterday I was met with hostility and attacked for stating that simple fact. I was immediately labeled as a Trumpster, a Republican and probably a number of other things. I just smiled and answered those accusations with more truth. Boy did that make some folks mad.
 Well I was amused for a while anyway. I am amazed by how some of these people act as though everything written is a declaration! I can't speak for others but, as for me, my opinions are subject to change. Do they change often? Nope. The reason for that? Here's my take, " being open minded doesn't mean being empty headed. " You are free to quote me on that. I do believe in thinking about things, in depth, before forming an opinion. It's called determining the facts, not to be confused with, seeking justification. Why do many seek justification for what is plainly wrong? Because it is of benefit to them that's why. It is far easier to just jump on the bandwagon rather than walk. I do hear the same thing over and over again. Hillary lost and the world is coming to an end. That's basically what I hear every day. If the Republicans don't destroy the world, cow farts will. It's global warming and people are beginning to refuse inoculation! Oh, I mean vaccination. It'll be a pandemic and we'll all die. Strangely humanity survived for thousands of years without a single vaccination. They even managed to populate the world! But now, we're all gonna die. Unless you get your government sponsored shots that is. Just get in line and don't ask questions. We'll give you something for free! Climb aboard the band wagon.
 I'm not one to think everything is a conspiracy. I do believe that most people in positions of power have an agenda. That's the reason they sought those positions of power in the first place. Many of them, not all, will sacrifice just about anything to get what they want. It very well may be well intentioned, there may be no conspiracy, but the effects are detrimental to the majority. Government, by it's very nature, seeks power. Power and control. Wealth is just the byproduct of that. You don't see many middle class politicians stay middle class for long after winning an election do you? No, because they are now in a position of power and influence. On the national level anyone that believes that these positions aren't carefully filled is just fooling themselves. The money is thrown behind the person that is most likely to win but more importantly the person most likely to follow the agenda. That's why Bernie was thrown under the bus. It was likely he would win against Hillary. What wasn't likely was he would follow the agenda. He couldn't be trusted by the insiders, he had to go. A conspiracy? No, it was just a plan. The plan didn't work. As I said from the beginning Trump didn't expect to win, nobody expected Trump to win. He won, so now what's the plan? A bit of a dilemma isn't it? You have to admit it sure upset the proverbial apple cart. Or I guess you could say, the wheels fell off the bandwagon! Problem is, no one knows how to put them back on. It's a good thing.
 And once again I have offered my opinion. It's what I do. Am I correct? Only time will tell. I'll be watching closely. Wonder if I will have to change my opinion? Maybe, but that's unlikely, I don't do that very often. Stubborn or confident? I can't give an honest answer to that, I'm biased. 

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