Tuesday, March 26, 2019


 At 65 I don't think of myself as old. Age is a relative thing however. But I have accepted the fact that I'm not as young as I once was, funny how that works. In todays world where many people seem to believe in some alternate reality I'm certain even that will be questioned. Hey, some have decided there are more than two sexes, so it could happen. I have accepted that the old body needs a bit more attention and maintenance than it used to. It does have high mileage after all. And finally something I haven't accepted is that my values are somehow outdated. I don't believe I will ever grow that old. My morals and values were instilled in me as a child, and further distilled by life. I'm comfortable with the products so far and not easily swayed from them. It's true that there are times it would be a lot easier to just go with the flow, become compliant, but I've waited too long for this time to come. Been working on me for 65 years. I've decided! Really it is that simple.
 A portion of this thinking came from reading some very sad news on Facebook. It has been reported that a classmate of mine, a lady my own age, is now suffering from Alzheimer's disease. She is no longer able to operate her computer. My first thought was, but for the grace of God. A selfish thought? Yes it is, and one borne of fear. The fear strikes when reading about such things. I am fortunate indeed to have my faculties about me. Others may not agree with my opinions and question their validity, but I still have them. For that, I am grateful. I can not imagine what it would be like. How can anyone know that? Until you have lived it, I suggest you cannot. All I can do is pray for her. And even then, I'm not certain what to pray for other than a healing. It's a sobering thought and a sobering realization.
 Another part of this thinking stems from quite another place. It is a place of contentment. When you are happy and content with the majority of your choices, age is just a number. If you aren't happy with your past, age can become a burden. Time is running out! That is a reality as well, and one that we all need to come to terms with. It is something we can't control, although there are those that would attempt to do so. There are even those that would assist in that effort calling it compassion. But that is a difference in philosophy, not in reality. Still our philosophical outlook has to be shaped by our moral and ethical values. The values instilled in us during our youth. Did those values come from a place of love, or a place of convenience? Did they stem from what was felt to be right, or from what was allowed? They really are different places. Does appeasement breed love? No, I don't believe it does. Not even love of self.
 Something I see today that I find troubling is this attitude of entitlement. It is being preached every day. You are entitled to this or that. The fact is, you are entitled to exactly what you have earned. The real problem lies in understanding that you don't get to set the wage. That is determined by others. Combine that with the notion that I should somehow feel guilty for my own success and what do you get? Confusion mostly. I should get this or that, I'm entitled to it! But by being entitled to it I am denying that from others! I should feel guilty about that and give whatever YOU own away. I don't have to give mine though, just convince others to share. In that way I can assuage my own guilt. I spoke up for the disadvantaged. See the confusion there? Not unlike some Evangelists that insist you give your money to the Church as they live in a mansion with private jets to fly them about. The message is, you give, not me.
 And what has all of this have to do with anything? Nothing really, just my thoughts and opinions. I'm thinking that man has begun to way overthink everything. If we were to employ more common sense and logic we certainly wouldn't have all the issues we do. But no, we have to analyze and get expert opinions on everything. Fact is, you don't need an expert to determine common sense. Even an idiot knows when it is raining! He may not know what causes that rain but he knows its' raining! Does it make a bit of difference? No, it doesn't. Will the words I write, my thoughts shared, make a difference? Probably not, and that's alright. I'm convinced I haven't said anything that hasn't been said before. The only thing different may be in the way you hear it. Life really isn't all that complicated. You'll get back what you put in. The question is, are you happy with your investment? 

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