Friday, March 22, 2019


 After a certain age it seems the Doctor's appointments just seem to stack up. It is fortunate, in todays world, that we have so many ways to be reminded. I get notifications on the computer and by text message. When filling out the myriad of forms and questionnaires the question will invariably be asked, what's your e-mail address and primary phone number, and do you have a cell phone? I believe the incidence of people not having an e-mail address is growing ever fewer. My Mom does not have an e-mail address. 
 I always sign up for the appt. reminders to be sent to my phone. I am most likely to see them there. Yesterday I kept getting a reminder for a particular appt. I got a reminder the day before, and then three times during the day. The last one I got included this phrase. To stop receiving these reminders  text stop. The appt was less than an hour away and I felt confident that I would remember. I texted stop! Wasn't two minutes later I got a message, we got your message about stopping these reminders, did you want to stop these reminders? I lost it for a second, yelling at the phone, stop! Then I started ranting at my wife about it. Well on the plus side we didn't miss the appointment. 
 I haven't taken the time to learn how to do the reminder thing on the computer. An older version of Windows had a handy calendar for that but not windows ten. I guess it is still there somewhere but I don't know. I discovered it once on my phone as well but it's lost once again. They do give out the cards just like the old days and I have them on the refrigerator. It's difficult to keep track though when appts are months in advance. I remember the days I used to carry a little black book. Had names and phones numbers in there. Now I carry a list of my medications! The list of specialists seems to grow every year. My primary physician is really just the coach of the team. He directs the plays and send players in and out. And all of these doctors are connected through the " patient portal " where your information is stored. Strangely every one of them ask the same questions every time you go. I've noticed in the last few years they all ask if you feel depressed. Of course I do, have you seen what you charge ? Then they want to know if you think about killing yourself. Uh no, that's why I'm here, trying to stay alive if I can afford it! 
 I make a conscious effort to not stress out about this stuff. My mother, like a lot of other senior citizens, worries about her appointments. If she has one within a week she will not leave home. I've got an appointment! I am fortunate that I'm never going to be a senior. I was named after my father and so will forever be junior. I didn't name my sons after me so there are no thirds just junior. That is the logic I choose to apply. I do find it a bit troubling when I go to these appointments and the receptionist calls me by my first name. I get a feeling that we are getting just a little too chummy. Not that the receptionists aren't nice people, people I would like to hang out with, but well, you know. They do know some of your secrets. That and you have already told them you don't drink, you don't smoke,  you don't use street drugs, and you try to eat right! Who wants to hang out with that person? Better to just sit quietly and wait your turn.
 Well today my wife has a follow up appointment and so that will take a good portion of the day. We have to travel to his second office, just a bit farther then the one we were at yesterday. Amazing isn't it how these doctors have several offices these days. I guess you just go where the money is. We are going to a ophthalmologist, not to be confused with an optician, I understand they are a bit touchy about that. As I said, we saw him yesterday. I was surprised that he was dressed in scrubs. I guess all the doctors dress in scrubs these days. Well, my primary doctor doesn't but he is an exception. I've noticed even the receptionists these days are dressed in scrubs. I'll have to put you on hold while I perform this operation! Why are they in scrubs? I don't know, I guess to make them look official or something. Saves on the wardrobe though. 
 I haven't received any reminders about todays appointment so far. I wonder if I opted out of all reminders or was it just for the one yesterday. I'm never quite certain about this stuff. It can all be very confusing. Oh well, we will get through today alright. I've already got the card on the refrigerator for Tuesday! Yup, another appointment on Tuesday. I'll set a reminder. LOL      

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