Sunday, March 17, 2019

it's criminal

 I keep hearing about the big scandal. Rich folks using their money to influence college admission for their children. Well, who would have ever thought such a thing was possible. I'm certain this has only begun since Trump took office! And movie stars have been doing it too. At least one has already lost her job with the Hallmark channel. That's because the Hallmark channel stands for everything wholesome and right, everything that is America. Serves her right and both her daughters are suffering now as the result. I mean, just who would have believed any of this just a few days ago?  
 Okay, so that was my attempt at sarcasm. Seriously, is anyone surprised at all? I for one most certainly am not. The rich, the well to do, the famous have always used those assets to get what they want. Look, it is really a simple thing to understand. What's the point of having money if you can't buy what you want? Isn't that what money is for in the first place? And if I can leverage my money or fame to my advantage I'm certainly going to do so. That's reality. The only thing I was surprised about is that all at once it became such a heinous crime. When did that happen? If I am running a private institution do I have to be fair? Sure the government has made anti discrimination laws to prevent abuse. I wasn't aware the government had made laws about making poor folks equal to rich folks! Isn't that what this really is about. It's not fair. Since when has it ever been fair? There are the haves and the have nots. Always have been and always will be. Oh, I know it's not that way in socialism is it? Yeah, take a look at any socialist country and tell me everyone gets equal treatment. The haves are in government, everyone else has not! 
 Okay so now I can't slip the maître d' twenty bucks to get seated first or to get that corner table. Hey, that's not fair. Get in line, like everyone else. I can't be refused entry into any club or organization because I can't afford the dues, that's not fair. Why should someone else get to join just because they can pay for the membership? That should apply to club clubs and gyms' as well. Well, because anyone that has more money than I do is rich, comparatively speaking. And if they use that money to gain entry well how is that different? Please don't get me started on the famous people. I have never been one to be star struck. Still, I'm aware that those folks always get preferential treatment, when they didn't, that was news. My how the times have changed.
 I can't help but wonder what is behind this. Why now? I'm not much of a conspiracy person but something sure seems funny about this. Could this be some attempt to cause a further divide? Split the rich and famous from everyone else. A certain political party is always talking about the equitable division of wealth. Now, I'm hearing the wealthy are using their money to gain an advantage over us poor folks! My response is, yeah and what else is new? As we hear more and more about how government should provide free health care, free housing, and free education this just pops up! Everyone should be able to go to Harvard, Yale, Stanford, or any other Ivy League school! That admission should be based upon what? Intelligence or need? Or whether you are an elite athlete or just a sandlot player? I don't know just seems strange to me. After two hundred years or so, it's not fair. By that measure I should get a Rolls Royce because I can only afford a Pinto!! It's not fair to use their money to get " better " than I have. I should get a mansion, with a swimming pool. And just why do I have to eat at McDonalds and not the Waldorf? Not fair. 
 Yeah I know, it's not fair. News flash, it has never been fair, it will never be fair! Quit your crying and deal with it. As long as there are people, it will never be fair. There will always be those that have more than you. There will always be those that receive more than you by virtue of wealth or heritage. Some will achieve fame and be fawned over. Hey, it happens! Imagine using your money, position or power to influence others. That's unbelievable, why it's criminal!    

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