Friday, February 1, 2019

ruling on emotion

 Ruling on emotions. That is what I see a lot of these days. Legislation that accomplishes little other than to make people feel good about themselves. The effectiveness of this legislation to actually accomplish a goal is secondary to its' passing. Gun control is one example of that. We will restrict the ability of the citizen to own guns. Makes us feel safer right? It certainly doesn't stop the criminal from getting guns, it does nothing to change that. Could be that is simply because criminals don't really care about the law. No more plastic straws! That'll save the planet for sure. I hear Styrofoam is just as bad, ban it! Then we can brag about our deep regard for the planet. Is it going to change a thing? No is the short answer. Just get the people to throw their trash in the proper receptacle and you won't have that problem. Oh, but wait, we can't expect people to act in a responsible fashion can we? Of course not so we will punish everyone instead! Reminds me of my Father's methods. If one kid won't confess to the crime, line'em up and everybody gets it. In that way the guilty party is punished.
 I listen as law enforcement agencies refuse to enforce laws because, it costs too much and it's a hassle. Well, besides folks want to smoke dope and what's the harm in that? We will show them how " cool " we are, we will rule solely on emotion. Federal law? Don't worry about it, local law won't bust you, the Feds will never know.
 I'm seeing government being run on emotions. It is rather like parents that just let their kids do whatever. The parents are " cool " the kids love them. Doesn't do much for the kids but it's easier on everyone. No one gets upset. You can watch the current struggle in government and see that plain enough. Take this argument over the boarder wall. Both sides are acting like spoiled little brats. I want what I want! You have Trump, the stern parent demanding one thing, and the rebellious children refusing. It's an emotional battle. Trump did allow the folks to get paid, an emotional response on his part whether you like that or not. I see it more as an offer in compromise. You can go to the dance but you have to cut the lawn afterward. Know what I mean?
 We have begun to rule on emotions. There is no other way to see it. That's why we see all these protests, marches, rallies and such. They are simply displays of emotion. They offer no solutions to the problems they represent, just an emotional response. It's not fair! Or the solution proposed is just ridiculous. Case in point, open boarders. Just let'em all in and take care of them. An emotional response if ever there was one. The simple answer. An impossibility however, for obvious reasons. But there are those that propose we do just that anyway, reality doesn't matter, only feelings count.
 You hear it all the time, the separation of Church and State. Yes, they are separate. So then why should we rule on Church feelings, on charity, humility, compassion, and all those Religious things that we separated from Government? You can't have it both ways. If you remove Church, and what that implies from Government, expect Government to be completely devoid of emotion, ruling on facts, not emotions. Should not government be pragmatic? But I'm hearing now, the Government should be compassionate! What, a religious precept, in government?
 The official motto of the United States is " In God we Trust. " Interesting isn't it? What is the implication? To me it means that we will make our decisions trusting in God for guidance. What is right and wrong. The thing that needs defining is God. What is God and what are we trusting in? If you use the Bible as the guide you will notice that text tells you more things that you shouldn't do, than things you should. Just like a good parent does with their children. It isn't easy to obey the words of the Bible and it isn't easy raising children. It is an emotional thing in either case. The instruction is to not let emotion rule your life. In short, you can't rule on emotion.  

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