Sunday, February 3, 2019

Nobody's perfect

  Nobody's perfect. We all know that. It's the last arrow in the quiver when we find ourselves in an indefensible position. It's a way of saying, I'm wrong about this even though I don't want to admit to knowing that. It's also an excuse. Yes, I said that, or did that. Hey, nobody's perfect. Sometimes it means, I'm aware of that, but I don't care. It's a way of asking for a pass. If I say, nobody's perfect, that includes you and by inference you have to give me a pass. That's how it works.
 When it comes to relationships I would say the number of imperfections you accept about the other person is directly proportionate to your own self esteem. When the others imperfections effect your  values then the relationship becomes strained. The value is determined by you. Tolerance is the word used to describe that. How much will you tolerate? Tolerance is dependent upon what? The value of the relationship. How is that determined? It is determined by investment. How much do you have invested into the relationship. More importantly perhaps is how much do you feel the future return may be? Then the only part of the equation left is, how long as you willing to wait?
 In today's world with all this social media, tweeting or whatever, the options for relationships has expanded. I wonder if this is contributing to the hostilities we see every day. The impatience and intolerance. What I mean is, all this blatant name calling, rude comments and aggression. With this world wide web the opportunities to find someone new are practically endless. Birds of a feather do flock together and the chances of finding your flock is greater than ever. Could be that's the reason we are seeing so many weirdo's these days as well.  Nobody's perfect that's a fact and the reason is a simple one, everyone isn't exactly like me. I can tolerate a lot from myself! My tolerance level from others isn't nearly as great. My only defense against that is in knowing, nobody's perfect. I have to give them a pass. I have to be patient. Patience is a virtue, that's what I've been told. Good things come to those who wait is also a familiar adage.
 All these thoughts came to mind this morning as I checked my notifications on Facebook. I had responses from total strangers as well as the ones I feel I know best. I am aware that the majority of those people on my " friends " list really don't know me at all, nor I them. We only know what has been shared. There have been some folks that chose not to tolerate me anymore and the fence went up. I have only taken that action twice in the last nine years. Well, nobody's perfect. My advice is be patient, if its' worth having, it's worth waiting for. Of course you won't know that unless you wait. A bit of a quandary isn't it? I do place a value on what others think and share with me. There are things that are just an entertainment, and things that are deeply meaningful. You are the only one that can make that determination. In my experience, entertainment is a immediate response prone to fading away. Meaningful things linger, they accompany you on your journey. 

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