Saturday, February 16, 2019


 I was up late last night and as a result slept in. Not getting up until almost 6am feels like a vacation. It's funny how we develop habits. The familiar is comforting. Writing this blog has become somewhat of a habit. I do feel unsettled a bit if I fail to write and post something. But, I'm not addicted, I can quit anytime. I guess that is the difference between habit and addiction. Habit is something you want to do, and do so almost unconsciously, but an addiction is something you have to do. Are all addictions habits? Addiction can be a physical dependence that much is certain, and it's my feeling addiction begins as a habit. Habits are mental things and you can control them. The only requirement being an awareness of that habit. Addiction can be a mental disorder. The thing is a habit is alright but an addiction is bad. That's the perception anyway. We may kick a habit but addiction requires a cure. But what of bad habits? They are bad but don't need curing, they need quitting. Are all habits mental, but all addictions physical? Mental health can affect physical health. Is that why habits can turn into addiction? If that is the case, than addiction is the fault of the user. Not a popular theory though, at least not in today's world. Today we blame the product. Also the reason we blame the gun when someone gets shot. We want to blame the outside forces for the bad things that happen to us. The doctor prescribed a pain medication. I abused that medication and became addicted. Whose fault is that? Some will blame the doctor, some will blame the drug. The truth is only you can control the usage. I don't believe anyone can say they weren't given warnings. I get several pages of information each time a prescription is filled for anything. It's on me to read it. I have done that a few times, makes you want to not take the medication. If nothing else it will give you pause. But whatever, my point is simply that you are warned.
 I'm not certain how I got on this topic this morning. I figure it was just an awareness of habit. It's a routine I follow almost every morning. Coffee, saying good morning to Facebook, check the mail and write a blog. That is usually accomplished by 6:30 or so. Not getting up till nearly six was a change.  I realize that it makes no difference at all. I am retired and the day is my own. Isn't that the point of being retired? The reason we do what we do? Still, I'm thinking that we have become conditioned to routine all our lives and that continues even in retirement. I think that even if we were never subjected to keeping a schedule or a routine we would develop our own anyway. I suspect cave men had a routine. I also suspect cave women were there nagging him! It's all a part of human nature. I'd suggest it is an awareness of " doing the right thing. " There are things that are necessary to do whether we want to or not. We can develop the habit of doing the right thing. It's not easy though because there are the things we want to do. Those things are easy to get into the habit of. But doing the right thing requires another ingredient, fortitude. And fortitude can only come from within yourself. If you lack fortitude, habit can become addiction. Can you become addicted to a good thing? I'd say you can. I don't think it depends upon whether my addiction effects others adversely or not, it remains an addiction. And addiction is self harm. Is there a cure? No there isn't, that's why they call it recovery. What are you recovering? Fortitude is the answer.
 Now what does any of this have to do with me sleeping in? Nothing. But I do feel like I'm failed to do what I should do. A letting down of the defenses, so to speak. A lack of fortitude! What is fortitude?
courage · bravery · strength of mind · strength of character · moral strength · toughness of spirit · firmness of purpose · strong-mindedness · resilience · backbone · spine · mettle · spirit · nerve · pluck · pluckiness · doughtiness · fearlessness · valor · intrepidity · stout-heartedness · endurance · stoicism · steadfastness · patience · long-suffering · forbearance · tenacity · pertinacity · perseverance · resolve · resolution · resoluteness · determination · Dunkirk spirit · guts · grit · spunk      
I hope this sleeping in doesn't become a habit. Habits can lead to addiction. 

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