Thursday, February 21, 2019

I'm getting old

 I got up feeling refreshed a bit this morning having taken a day off from blogging. I just fiddled around with my computer and pretty much stayed off social media. In my last blog posting I was thinking about the precepts of the past. As I listened to the news this morning that was brought to the forefront once again. The first news item that jumped off my newsfeed was a story about a bill advancing in the Maryland senate. This bill would allow you to choose " undetermined " as a choice of gender on your drivers license. In the box for gender it would just be an " x " That's correct, my state legislator's are spending time and resources debating this issue. My question is why? You are one or the other! I can't see where there is anything to debate. It's a simple question, what gender are you? I don' care what you feel like, what you may want to be, what you wish you were or any of that! The question is, what gender are you and there are only two choices. If you aren't smart enough to figure that out, you aren't smart enough to drive a car. Simple enough as far as I'm concerned.  Is that another one of those precepts of the past?  Precept #1 there are two genders, male and female. Now we can argue whether God created man, we can argue that Adam was created first, we can argue that Eve was formed from the rib of Adam. What can't be argued is genders, there are two! Always was, always will be. It's a finding backed by science. I don't care if you believe in evolution, creation, big bangs or complete chance, there are two genders, male and female.
 Okay, so I am ranting about that a bit when I hear on the television this gem. Beginning next week the Boy Scouts of America will be accepting applications for an all girl troop. Ah, isn't that what we call the Girl Scouts? Now that bit of nonsense has set me off. I'm a girl, that wants to be a boy, to join the boy scouts, so I join an all girl troop! Am I the only one that sees just how stupid that is! I'm really getting annoyed at this stupid stuff! Yes, yes I know the girl scouts don't have an Eagle scout badge. Their highest award is the Gold Award. It is only earned by about 5% of all Girl Scouts. But apparently that isn't good enough, they want the Eagle Scout award. In years past, up until 1938 that award was called a Eaglet. I'd agree it was a bit of a condescending term. That's why it was changed to Bronze, Silver and Gold. What I don't understand is what the heck is wrong with the Gold award? Why isn't that good enough? I'm a guy and I can't win Miss America but that doesn't mean I should be allowed in the contest. Well, that'll be happening soon if it hasn't already. We will have the non-gender specific contest. Good thing we are still using one piece bathing suits, oh that's right, we eliminated that section of the contest, it was exploiting their bodies, or something like that. But whatever. I'm just sayin' Precept #2 The Boy Scouts is an organization for boys. Precept #3 was Girl Scouts are for girls. Precept#4, gender is not fluid, optional or undecided.
 It is a frustration. There isn't anything I can do about any of this nonsense. All I can do is vote. Then I'm amazed when the very people I voted for sit and consider this nonsense. Who are they fooling? I would dismiss this notion of gender so quick it would make your head spin. I have no time for that. C'mon what's next? How about my height, weight, color of eyes, how about my race? Do I get to just put down whatever I feel like it should be? That should make for accurate identification shouldn't it? Pheww, it's just such a stupid thing. When I had my post office box I had to bring proof of identity to the post office to receive my mail! Proper identification is required! Put a mailbox on the side of the street and the mail is delivered to that box, no questions asked. Yeah, makes sense doesn't it? And then I keep hearing on the news about people receiving less money in there tax returns. What they don't say is, people paid less in taxes this past year so, duh, they got less back. Basically the complaint is, the government isn't just giving me money. Listen up, if you didn't adjust your withholdings over the past tax year the problem is yours. Ideally no one would get a return because no one would overpay. So now you are complaining because the government didn't take too much out of your paycheck! Really, that's a problem?
 This does give me an idea. Maybe I'll start a book about the precepts of the past. You know, what my generation called common sense and logic. Things like, if I don't have a job, I don't get money. Things like, if I don't do what the boss tells me, I'm fired. You know, things like that. What precepts from the past can you think of? I remember when the precept was, if you are a guy you use the guys bathroom and girls used the girls room. It was a rule, those rooms even had separate doors! I read in Colorado they just made it legal to urinate and defecate on the street. That's to make life easier for the homeless folks. Very progressive idea, very compassionate. Well I suppose when you have homeless folks wandering around stoned, pot is allowed there as well we don't care about federal law, they get the munchies and have to go somewhere. Hey, it's cool man, just go where you are. Next week they will be installing poop bags on the light posts like they do in the park for your dog. Now that's progress. Well I have to stop but could go on and on. I'm starting to understand what Grandfather Lester was talking about. I'm getting old. 

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