Sunday, February 24, 2019

is it fair?

 I read where a federal judge has ruled that requiring only men to register for the draft is unconstitutional. The argument being that men can be denied student loans and federal jobs, if they fail to register on their 18th birthdays.The military has lifted the ban on women in combat, thereby making them equal to men, as least in a military sense. I can understand the logic and grudgingly have to agree with that ruling. To be " fair " women should have to register for the draft as well. I am left with one question for this judge however, what of those that now identify as gender X. What category do they fall in? Does the military recognize gender x? But, that is just an aside to my thoughts this morning. The real question is, should women have to register for the draft? As I stated earlier I have to agree, that to be fair, they should be required to register as well. 
 I find it unsettling somehow, a bit disturbing. I see it as a redefining of a role. I am one that embraces tradition and traditional values. Yes, by todays standards I suppose I shouldn't admit to such thoughts. I do tend to think in terms of the traditional. Male and female. I still believe, regardless of any other thinking, logic, or just plain nonsense, that there are only two genders. There are men and women. Now how those same men and women may feel about their existence is another topic altogether and won't be discussed here. Those feelings have always existed and will continue. The idea that we should validate " feelings " with legislation is what I take exception too. The first amendment to the Constitution, in the very first line, says we shall not establish a religion. Why is that? You can't legislate feelings into fact. Religion, belief, faith, whatever you wish to label it, is an individual thing and can not be validated with law! For that reason I am disturbed when we begin to attempt that and isn't that what all this gender X, and identifying as this or that, is all about? Isn't that an individual thing? It's a feeling not a fact! Fact is there are two genders. 
 Are the genders equal? Of course they are, they are, after all, both human beings. How silly an idea is it that one gender should be superior to the other. It is true that the males, as a general rule, are physically stronger than the females. And male dominance has always been predicated upon that. It's the natural order of things in the animal kingdom, and yes, humans are a part of the animal kingdom. We have developed our brains, at least some have, to the point of not relying upon that dominance to function in society. I believe each gender is equipped to handle certain tasks. That isn't to say that one gender can not do what the other does, within certain very specific limits, but that the design was deliberate. One design is not superior to the other! 
 As to the requirement that women register for the draft; I find it unsettling because it would require them to assume the role traditionally filled by men. Can they do it? Of course they can. Are women prepared to accept that? I'd say they are. Of course traditionally boys were taught they should defend their women. Isn't that the core of the matter? It's true that there are women that need no protection, indeed that can fulfill the role as protector, but they are still women. Perhaps the real answer is to not have a draft at all. The all volunteer force appears to be doing well. The unknown part in all of this is, will women volunteer for military service, in a combat role, when we are actively engaged in a war? Many have done so since 2015 when the Army lifted the restrictions. The fact is those combat roles only comprise about 10% of the jobs in the military. The other 90% have been open to women for decades. Additionally women still have to volunteer for those roles, they are not just assigned to them. If they should not succeed in passing the requirements for that position they are reassigned. That is not the case with the guys however. Guys are dismissed altogether as being unfit for service. And why is that? It is simply because we do not expect every woman to be as physically capable as every man. I'd call it a reasonable expectation. Yes, there are exceptions. 
 Well whatever the case, whatever way you feel about it personally, that is what it is. I do have to agree with that judge, it is discriminatory to the guys. Personally I felt an obligation to serve and did so. If drafted I would certainly have answered that call. I wouldn't have felt discriminated against. I don't feel superior to women. I do believe that I can physically out perform a great number of women the same age as myself. That's what you have in the military as well. They are about the same age, doing a physically demanding thing. If a woman wants to volunteer for that and is capable that's fine with me. Should she be drafted for that? Is that fair? Is it fair to expect women to perform physically on the same level as men? What I'm saying here is men and women should work together as a team. Each player brings different skills to the game. Each player is equally as important. 

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