Tuesday, February 19, 2019

precepts of the past

 There is so much negativity in the world that I sometimes find it difficult. I'm not one to just stick my head in the sand and ignore it, There are days I wish I could do that. I require a distraction. I can write, read, watch, and find other distractions but it doesn't always work. There are times when something puzzling just sticks in my mind. I opened my Facebook account and the first story on my newsfeed is about Transgenders in sports. I'm immediately disturbed. I can't figure it out. Just what the heck is this transgender stuff anyway? If a person says they feel like a dog, or a cat, or a cow they would be declared insane! Now, somehow, despite irrefutable evidence of gender, I mean it's right there, plain as day for anyone to see, people are saying they are transgender and that is fine? What the heck is transgender in the first place and where did that term come from?
 Well I did a little research. It seems this concept of transgender is a head doctors way of of saying transference of reality. In short, that's what I feel, therefore that is what I am. I understand that. Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't. I may feel like Superman, but I can't fly! Works that way with gender as well. You are the dna you were born with and there is no changing that. You can't transfer from one gender to another. You mind may go off track, no doubt about that, but that's a misdirection, not a transfer! More commonly we call that a mental illness. But the real question in all of this is why? Why have we as a society decided that this is alright? Why have we decided to just go along with it? Is it simply because that is the easier thing to do? Is it simply because some see a business opportunity. Or is it simply because it is so uncomfortable to talk about?
 Now I know there will be those that will call me homophobic, racist, bigoted and any number of things because I say what I'm thinking. Oh well, that's not important. It isn't a matter of feeling threatened in any way. My sole concern in all of this is why? In 2017 a study revealed that about .6% of the population identifies as transgender. Think about that. If .6% isn't an aberration , what is? Notice I said aberration. What is an aberration? A deviation from the norm is the answer. Therefore transgenders are deviants. Are deviants bad? When we hear that word that is what is implied isn't it? The inference is plain if I call someone a deviant. So, just why are we calling deviant behavior normal? Indeed why are we enabling and encouraging such behavior? We have begun to teach our children that it is a choice? Of course a good portion of our society has now decided that killing the unborn is a choice too. I'd consider that deviant behavior as well. Renaming the crime doesn't change the action. Murder is murder by any name. And why is that being allowed? For convenience is the real answer. A study completed in 2016 reported the following. Reason reported for abortion: rape .3%, incest .03%, maternal life .1%, maternal health .8%, fetal health .5%. 98.3% off all abortions are elective. By any measure it is my feeling that anytime 98.3% of murders are done because of choice, that's deviant behavior. In short, it's crazy. Yet, even when this evidence is presented the hue and cry will go up, my body, my choice! As if that justifies the action. As if that makes it alright.
 Well that's how I feel about that anyway. You may feel differently. I hope everyone thinks about these things. It isn't good to just accept things at face value. Each generation questions the one before it. That is normal. Each generation will reject some of the beliefs of the former as well. Generally we think of it as a good thing. historically speaking. That is when we see the injustices of the past that have been eliminated. We call it progress. What is less spoken of, less recognized, are the precepts of the past that should have been retained. Prior to 1973 the precept was, thou shalt not kill. It wasn't just a Biblical commandment, it was the law of the land. Then we had Roe V Wade. The supreme court ruled you have a right to kill the unborn. Forty six years later and how many support that decision 100%? It's a significant number, but thankfully, still under attack. Will we allow that to become the norm?  It won't as long as there are people like me that are not afraid to speak out. To tell the truth! Truth is, if you were born male, you're male. Truth is, if you were born female, you're female. Truth is, you can't change your DNA! It is what it is. Pretending to be something else doesn't make you something else. Believing that you are something else is a mental disorder. Truth is, killing an unborn child is murder. I admit that these are my truths. I believe they should be yours as well.

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