When your economy is dependent upon other peoples money you will have to sacrifice your heritage. Seems like a simple enough thing to understand. Perhaps I understand it because it was that way where I grew up. The locals, the blue collar folks, were those that struggled to get by, day by day, year after year. Families working together maintaining a way of life. The same concept as the Waltons television show, only not nearly as perfect. Everything didn't always work out in the end. And I'd say at this point the Waltons lost the mill and the mountain! The merchants and shopkeepers were dependent upon that summer crowd. Yes, that was the bread and butter that was so greedily sort after. Oh, the blue collar folks tried to grab as much as that as possible as well, I wouldn't try to deny that, the off season was long and cold. The economy was dependent upon that, no doubt about it.
But now that heritage has all been sold. Not much left but stories and some relics. There are a few that would have you believe the old ways continue, but it isn't true. Government and greed have all but erased that. Government imposing their rules and regulations that strangled an industry. Government imposing restrictions of a way of life that existed for two hundred years . And greed, a greed born of necessity I would say. Those providing the capital that sustained the economy demanding more and more. Eventually heritage was sold for a profit. The reason was a basic one, survival. If I can no longer work the water or the land for a profit, I am forced to sell. To make grand speeches about heritage and the preserving of it doesn't put bread on the table. I understand that all too well. When your home has become nothing more than an amusement park for the wealthy what are your choices? Yes, they will require support personal, like the help at an amusement park, someone has to clean up. Others play a role, like characters in a theme park, they roam the town and interact with the guests. The hope being the guests will throw a few crumbs there way. Maybe even a tip or two!
The same is true of a nation. When the nation becomes dependent upon other peoples money the same thing will happen. The Japanese already own a great deal of Florida, foreign interests own a great portion of America today. But first the people need to be dependent upon other peoples money. That is the aim of socialism. Make the people dependent upon the governments money! This is accomplished when you convince the people that the " government " has money. When the population decides that government should be like Mom and Dad, just give you a handout whenever you get into trouble. After all, the government has money! That is the first illusion perpetrated on the public and I'm seeing more and more people believing this. How many today saying the government should provide free health care, free college , free housing and the list goes on. The government has money! Whose money is it? It's mine and yours. Taxes collected are for what purpose? Conducting the business of government is the answer. Taxes are not collected to fund you!
Once the people become dependent upon other peoples money, those other people begin to dictate their desires. Government begins to control everything. If you can't see that happening, you haven't been watching. If you fail to toe the line, benefits are withheld. Don't give the government their " share " and see how fast you are penalized. And who is determining how much that share should be? The government is. When was the last time you got to vote on that? You don't. It's that simple really. And so many become convinced they have a voice. Hah, you can voice all the opinions you want the end result will always be the same. Other peoples money will buy whatever they desire. You will sell! Heritage? What heritage? That will be sold as quickly as the electronic transfer of funds can be accomplished. Afterwards, I will claim that heritage as lost, but in fact, it was sold. And thus is the nature of man. That desire for more will lead us down the path, the path to dependence.
Happens every time. Strange isn't it? Those we most admire were dependent upon no one, we recognize that, and yet, we work our self into dependence. We started out with a dream, the American dream. What many fail to understand is, you can't finance a dream, you do have to work and sacrifice to achieve that dream. Unless of course you have plenty of cash, then you can just buy it, the poor people will sell. No problem. And now our Government, you know the government with all the money is three trillion dollars in debt. How much longer before we have to sell? How long before we are dependent upon other people's money? Strange too, we aren't even selling it, we are giving it away.
But now that heritage has all been sold. Not much left but stories and some relics. There are a few that would have you believe the old ways continue, but it isn't true. Government and greed have all but erased that. Government imposing their rules and regulations that strangled an industry. Government imposing restrictions of a way of life that existed for two hundred years . And greed, a greed born of necessity I would say. Those providing the capital that sustained the economy demanding more and more. Eventually heritage was sold for a profit. The reason was a basic one, survival. If I can no longer work the water or the land for a profit, I am forced to sell. To make grand speeches about heritage and the preserving of it doesn't put bread on the table. I understand that all too well. When your home has become nothing more than an amusement park for the wealthy what are your choices? Yes, they will require support personal, like the help at an amusement park, someone has to clean up. Others play a role, like characters in a theme park, they roam the town and interact with the guests. The hope being the guests will throw a few crumbs there way. Maybe even a tip or two!
The same is true of a nation. When the nation becomes dependent upon other peoples money the same thing will happen. The Japanese already own a great deal of Florida, foreign interests own a great portion of America today. But first the people need to be dependent upon other peoples money. That is the aim of socialism. Make the people dependent upon the governments money! This is accomplished when you convince the people that the " government " has money. When the population decides that government should be like Mom and Dad, just give you a handout whenever you get into trouble. After all, the government has money! That is the first illusion perpetrated on the public and I'm seeing more and more people believing this. How many today saying the government should provide free health care, free college , free housing and the list goes on. The government has money! Whose money is it? It's mine and yours. Taxes collected are for what purpose? Conducting the business of government is the answer. Taxes are not collected to fund you!
Once the people become dependent upon other peoples money, those other people begin to dictate their desires. Government begins to control everything. If you can't see that happening, you haven't been watching. If you fail to toe the line, benefits are withheld. Don't give the government their " share " and see how fast you are penalized. And who is determining how much that share should be? The government is. When was the last time you got to vote on that? You don't. It's that simple really. And so many become convinced they have a voice. Hah, you can voice all the opinions you want the end result will always be the same. Other peoples money will buy whatever they desire. You will sell! Heritage? What heritage? That will be sold as quickly as the electronic transfer of funds can be accomplished. Afterwards, I will claim that heritage as lost, but in fact, it was sold. And thus is the nature of man. That desire for more will lead us down the path, the path to dependence.
Happens every time. Strange isn't it? Those we most admire were dependent upon no one, we recognize that, and yet, we work our self into dependence. We started out with a dream, the American dream. What many fail to understand is, you can't finance a dream, you do have to work and sacrifice to achieve that dream. Unless of course you have plenty of cash, then you can just buy it, the poor people will sell. No problem. And now our Government, you know the government with all the money is three trillion dollars in debt. How much longer before we have to sell? How long before we are dependent upon other people's money? Strange too, we aren't even selling it, we are giving it away.