Saturday, December 8, 2018

the littlest thing

 Sometimes it is the littlest things. Yesterday afternoon I posted a picture of a box of ribbon candy on Facebook. The number of responses surprised me. At the same time it offered reassurance in a strange sort of way, reassurance that I wasn't alone. So many others seemed to genuinely enjoy the memory. Shared memories are a comfort. I'm thinking that was the original intent of social media. At least it was intended to be a major part of it. It is certainly the reason there are so many splinter groups. I know, I formed a group for that very purpose myself. My hope was the group would recreate a bit of the old " hometown " atmosphere. I feel like it has enjoyed some success in that area. A bit of the old neighborhood can be found there. I'm grateful for that.
 Earlier in the day I responded to a meme asking what one thing you got in trouble for while in school. That jogged old memories loose and I stated three or four things, following directions isn't my strong point. One memory in particular popped up, greenie stick'em caps. As I wrote that down I had to chuckle. I can only imagine the chaos they would cause today. It's not funny, but the cries of active shooter would surely go up, swat teams mobilized, and sheltering in place initiated! My school house memory of those caps was sticking them to the bottom of your chair leg, tilting the chair back, and when the teacher turned her back, bang! You could also stick them to the heel of your shoe and get the same effect. Hilarious stuff. Of course that was back in the day when we wore shoes with leather soles and hard heels, not athletic shoes, sneakers were for gym class, er, physical education.
 I got to remembering those caps and there many uses. I had a hand grenade that used them. Pull the pin and throw, on impact the cap would go off, most of the time. There was a six shooter, one cap on each bullet and fire away. A shotgun with shootin' shells. I bought those caps by the box. I went to the internet to see what I could find out about them. Needless to say, all that stuff is Vintage now. Collectibles they call them. People are asking quite the price for originals still in the box. That is especially so for the ones without the orange cap on the end of the barrel. That became law in 1992. It does say a lot about society when that became necessary. I don't have a desire to collect any of those old toy guns or other weapons that used those caps. The memory is more of an amusement than the actual product. You can't purchase nostalgia, contrary to any advertising you may read.
 It is the littlest things that fill the spaces in our hearts. Kind words spoken at just the right moment, a simple gift of a flower. Sometimes it is no more than holding someone's hand with no words spoken. A faded photograph can be more valuable that a Rembrandt. Shared memories are like that also. The commonality of mankind. We may have different customs, traditions and social interactions but we all share the same heart. Some call that heart " God " or " spirituality " as well as " soul." Whatever you call it, it is common to all mankind. And that is the biggest thing of all! Strangely it takes the little things to gain an understanding of the whole. On second thought that isn't strange at all. It is that way with everything if you think about it.
perfectly safe, says so right on the package.

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