Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Right now

 Merry Christmas. Two words that express the desire of the world. It is my belief that is the intent of that greeting. The language used isn't important. And when I was little I was told it was Jesus's birthday as well. That is what Christmas is, the birth of the Christ child. Merry Christmas to all ! I knew of the Jewish people, they are still waiting for the arrival of Christ and they celebrate Chanukah or is it Hanukah? I expect the spelling doesn't matter much, it is also the intent that is of importance. Then I heard of Kwanza. I honestly don't know much about it at all. It is an African-American tradition lasting seven days beginning the day after Christmas. It lasts seven days, has seven candles and presents are exchanged. That's about all I know. So, I extend a Happy Kwanza to those that celebrate.
 I was thinking about all of this as I posted my own holiday salutations. I say Merry Christmas. For some that seems like a bold move in todays world. Isn't that the silliest thing you have ever heard of? Extending a greeting of good will to a fellow human being considered risky or brave. I still live in a time when saying Merry Christmas is more of a reflex than a considered offering. I refuse to live in another. Why should I have to think about that? I don't dwell on my belief. I believe that Jesus was born and died just as the Bible teaches. Anyone that knows me would be aware of that and take no offense by a greeting of Merry Christmas. To those that don't know me, I don't know why you would be surprised or offended by that? If I say Merry Christmas to you my intent certainly isn't to offend, isn't that obvious? My intent is to share the joy I feel. Feel free to tell me you celebrate whatever and I will extend the appropriate greeting, no harm, no foul.
 It is Christmas morning and the day awaits. I don't have any small feet racing down the hall, no excited voices. No, I'm here with my wife sipping our coffee and checking social media. The kids will arrive later in the morning, a family gathering. It's not that Hallmark gathering seen in the movies. No, it is real life. I awoke with the thought that this will be my 17th Christmas with my Grandson Mark. He will be 18 in January and soon off to college. I remembered giving him a drum set, only seen on Christmas day, it disappeared shortly after that. Just a little guy then and now so grown. It will be my 16th Christmas with my granddaughter Morgan, now grown to a young lady. She'll be getting her drivers license soon and hoping for a car. Well she'll have to settle for some sugar plums dancing in her head on that one. " Through the years we'll always be together, if the fates allow " is a sobering line from a Christmas classic. Especially so for me this year. And so I leave you with this, " have yourself a merry little Christmas, now. " 

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