Saturday, December 15, 2018

stiffer penalties and free phones

 Have you noticed that there is two to three hours of news on every night? Is it any wonder the stories get to be so stupid? I mean, c'mon how long can you talk about the obvious? Oh, guns kill people. Wrong, people kill people using a gun. Yet, that discussion, supported by experts and studies continues non-stop. The latest one I'm hearing about in Maryland is stiffer penalties for selling Fentanyl. This drug is the worst of the worst. My response is why not stiffer penalties for selling any illegal drug! We could start by enforcing the ones we already have. Of course you can't do a half hour piece on common sense. But the thinking is by making stiffer penalties for selling Fentanyl it will curb the opioid epidemic. Well, because drug users and addicts are certainly concerned with the statutes and will surely avoid that. That and if we just allow those folks to use less deadly illegal substances it will also curb the violence. The drug dealers won't go around shooting each other nearly as much. I didn't hear an explanation for that but the experts seem to believe it. Yes sir, stiffer penalties for Fentanyl is the key to solving those problems.
 Meanwhile out in California they want to impose a fee on texting. The idea is it would be a flat rate surcharge. The reason? To provide phones to those that can't afford a phone. Well because there are those that don't qualify for an Obama phone. You do know they are provided with smart phones right? What's wrong with a flip phone that can make basic phone calls? Well we certainly wouldn't want anyone to be embarrassed by that now would we. Now I don't live in California and so I guess I shouldn't be concerned but anytime the government, even State government wants to take my money to give free stuff,  I'm concerned  Drug dealers that can't report their income should have no problem qualifying for that program. My guess is those folks in California have gotten too much sun!
 How much time is spent talking about Trump? We have been hearing the same mantra from the left for almost two years now. The new agenda is just to lock up anyone associated with him. Yeah, that ought to work. If the left can only cull him from the herd! Isolate him, undermine him and the good of the nation be damned. There will be no compromise, no deals made. Nope, the plan is to impeach him or at the very least impede him until the next election cycle. Maybe by then we cam have enough illegal people in the country to vote in those promising free stuff for all! The real plan being don't disturb my free stuff. After all how can I control you if you aren't dependent upon me? Give me your guns, give me your money, and I'll decide what is best for you! Don't worry, you can trust the government, you know, those officials that you elected to do what is best for you. Hey just look at the health care package they have, they know good coverage when they see it. Look at their work schedule, they have to work 180 days every year, by law! And their pension plan, you get that after one term! Four years is plenty of time to work to receive a pension for the rest of your life. You see, those government officials really know how to take of themselves, surely they will do the same for you.
 Well I've rambled on a bit this morning. I am distracted by all the nonsense I hear in the news. I can't help but wonder what happened? How did all this come about? The majority of what is presented is just opinion, facts be damned. The truth is it came about because of the desire to generate revenue. It's all about the Benjamin's. Sensational news sells, just ask the Enquirer. They routinely print blatantly fictitious headlines and the paper flies off the shelf. They even say Trump paid them not to " report " his affairs. Yeah, okay. Oh and right now Chevy is taking 10,000 dollars off the MSRP of a new car. Both are equally plausible. All I can do is shake my head and pray.        

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