Saturday, December 22, 2018

Maybe next year

 I have returned from a quick trip to see my son in New York. It was also a short pause from Facebook and blogging. I didn't miss either one as much as I thought I might. I did manage a hello every morning, I do miss that social interaction. My circle of friends isn't that large and that's the I way  like it. I don't believe it is possible to maintain a great number of friendships at any one time. I find myself stretched as it is. That is simply because I try to actually pay attention to them. It gets harder to remember who said what and what everyone is going through as the years go by. To be honest about it, I never was much of a gossip. Had I been I would be much more informed than I am! Gossip isn't always bad or untruthful you know. Gossip is just knowing other people's business, even when you shouldn't. Or more properly the sharing of that business with everyone. But all of that is of course, Facebook with it's many components. As to the blogging, I still have my opinions and still enjoy sharing them. I have found I am beginning to repeat myself a bit, something I find troubling, I could look at it as consistent but that isn't the feeling I'm getting. I starting to feel like if I'm getting bored with me saying the same old thing, others probably are as well. Like always talking about the weather when you don't have anything else to say, or at least when you know you have nothing in common to talk to that person about. No sense is starting a confrontation, no sense wasting words on deaf ears.
 I do find it a bit sad these days. You have to be careful what you say and how you say it. It's like everyone is super sensitive to everything. The simplest of phrases can cause all sorts of confusion and unease. If we continue on this path, soon no one will be talking to anyone, about anything. We will all be operating in our " safe " spaces. We will have to do so to maintain our sanity! The problem is everyone jumping to conclusions. You hear about " triggers " all the time. When I was young the only triggers I knew where on a gun and Roy Rogers horse. Now saying Merry Christmas, or God Bless you when someone sneezes it can be a trigger. Remember when someone " came out " it meant they went outdoors? Well that isn't what they mean nowadays. And I'm never quite certain about the current term for those with darker skin than myself. I think they are people of color these days but like I said, I'm not certain. All it ever meant to me was a physical description. Yes there are certain social and cultural implications associated with all of that, same as with white people, or are we Caucasians? I'm never quite certain about that either. Of course these days you do get to pick, identify anyway you feel, and that includes gender, or neutrality for that matter. I'm still thinking about the gender neutral situation, there really are only two. Perhaps undecided would be a better term. I don't know, whatever.
 I have found if you excuse yourself from the main stream media and Facebook for even a few days you get a new look. As far as the news goes the bias becomes quite apparent, quite quickly. If Trump said it, did, or is thinking about doing it, it is wrong. Period, end of discussion. I hear our legislators, on both sides of the aisle, arguing like school children and making as good an argument as them too. You're a bully, no I'm not. You're not getting what you want unless I get my way. I'll take the ball and go home, so there. It all sounds so stupid. It's embarrassing. People are resigning from office when they don't agree with the boss. Just quit, that's the new method. Quit, resign, write a book about it and go on the talk show circuit. Makes me want to go into my " safe space " and forget about all of it. There are times I feel like just pulling the covers over my head. But like a car wreck I can't help myself, I have to look. Then I have to comment. I do wish I could afford a cabin on a mountaintop somewhere. All the food and fuel I need. A library of good books and my wife to keep me company. That would be enough, I could even do without the books. But thinking about it I'm not sure that would be a safe space, my wife can be dangerous when riled up! LOL, I'd risk it though. Well maybe next year will be better.

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