Monday, December 31, 2018

parting thoughts

 If your belief requires others to believe it, perhaps your belief isn't as strong as you believe. That's my thought regarding those that demand others affirm their belief. Is a belief only valid when others believe it? How important, to you, is it that others know what you believe and agree with that belief? What I'm asking is, are you willing to believe alone? That surely is the ultimate test of commitment isn't it? To stand firm in your belief even when opposed. That is the stuff of martyrs. Something to be admired. But, only admired when others agree with what the person believes! 
 I do enjoy writing and thinking about theological things. God is a mystery. I have shared, perhaps too many times if that is possible, what I believe. It has made some folks uncomfortable, angered some, and dare I dream, inspired some to seek answers. My thoughts and opinions are only that, my thoughts and my opinions. I share them as much for myself as for the benefit of others. The truth is, I probably receive more from the exercise than those reading the posts. That's fine with me I really have no expectations that anyone will be transformed by my words. I also have no need for others to agree with what I write, or believe. I don't see posting my blogs on religious, political, or social issues as imposing those views on anyone. You can choose to read or not. 
 This is the last day of the year. The last posting for 2018. I have mentioned in the past how I was born in July so January is a half way point for me. My years began in the month of July. January is six months later. For that reason I feel that is when the clock was set. I do believe our days are numbered and we will pass into the next world on schedule. For me, the numbers start in July. I celebrate the year on my birthday. Isn't that why that day is special in the first place? I was born and the world should rejoice with me. Yes, birthdays are a self serving thing. You did nothing to earn it, yet reap the reward. I see Jan 1 2019 as marking 65 and one half years of my existence. The physical world does begin and end with my consciousness. I admit I don't remember much about the first five years, and I admit that now some years after that are getting a little difficult to recall with complete clarity. I have found writing these blogs has helped with that. I have also found that everything wasn't always as it seemed to be. There is much gloss and polish to life. I think man requires that.
 Happy New Year to all that celebrate the occasion on Jan 1st. Time is a subjective thing. I'll leave you this day with a thought written by Martin Luther. He was excommunicated from the Holy Roman Church if you recall your history lessons from high school. Martin Luther said, " Every man must do two things alone, he must do his own believing and his own dying. " These are my parting thoughts this year, a new year begins tomorrow, at least on the calendar it does. It's just that it is all so subjective. But then again, what's a year or two when we are talking about eternity.  

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