Friday, August 30, 2013

The Days of Sale

Labor Day. Picnics and parades. The unofficial end of summer. Do you know when labor day began and why ? It was 1894 and the Labor Unions wanted it. That's right all the way back in 1894 people were complaining about having to work every day. Not much has changed except we have added a few more holidays ! That's another problem with labor unions, put the workers in charge and before you know it, higher wages and less work. Then, while we are relaxing, we can complain about the cost of everything. Don't get me started on Unions. The original premise was a fine and noble one, but they have been corrupted.
I am planning a small cookout for labor day. The summer has gone by and it is time to think of Fall. The weather will hopefully cooperate and we can spend a pleasant evening, eating and enjoying conversation. I really don't like planning these things, spontaneous celebration is always better, but you must plan. We are thinking of Sunday afternoon. I'll be working Labor Day. Retail doesn't take holidays. There was a time in America when they did. I remember those days. Mom had to buy what she wanted ahead of time. Yes, that was back in the day. The whole town could celebrate together, even the shop owners and there employees. They had a holiday too ! Quite a concept isn't it ? Yes, if we ran out of ketchup we had to wait until the next day to buy another bottle. We survived.
I think that is what is missing from our holidays, the holiday spirit. That spirit has been replaced with making money and excessive celebration. All things in moderation my friends. When I was younger, much younger, if you went to town on a holiday everything was closed. The streets would be empty except for those out for a walk or maybe waiting for the parade. There may be a few street vendors, very few, and everyone was in a good mood. Holidays were special days. They don't seem quite so special anymore. Seems more like sale days than holidays. Labor day used to be known for its' white sales. I don't hear about that much anymore. That is probably because it is fine to wear white after Labor day nowadays. Shoot now it is wear whatever,whenever and convention be damned. The ways of the past were a comfort of sorts. At least you had direction.
Following Labor day we head into the Holiday Season ! That's right an entire season of holidays. Told you about putting the workers in charge, didn't I ? Really it a season of spend,spend,spend. Rushing about and buying our gifts and planning all the celebrations to commemorate another year. The season of stress ! One event after another, one holiday after another with little time to even breathe. I do miss the individuality of each holiday. I miss the time when we celebrated each one as a separate entity. Now, lump them together and call them a season. Labor Day, might as well change that name to Gateway to the Season ! Ready,Set, Go !

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