Thursday, August 29, 2013


Maybe growing up where I did had something to do with it,maybe it was just the attitude my parents had and maybe it was a combination of both, but I have never been overly impressed with celebrities. Oh there are some I would like to meet and have a chat with, but no more so than others. I wouldn't go too far out of my way to do that. I guess I've never really grasped the whole attraction thing. Fact is the majority of these celebrities I wouldn't have much use for, that is, if they are anything like their public image. Most seem to be a little out there, if you get my drift. I guess money and fame does that to a person.
Growing up I would see these famous and moderately famous people walking around town. Some I would recognize but most would have to be pointed out to me. I have to be the worlds worst celebrity spotter. Well, truth be told, I am the last person you would want to identify anyone. Sometimes I don't recognize myself in the mirror ! I never gave it any thought that these people were about, after all, they had to be somewhere. And I had little to do with these people. I did work for an interior decorating shop for a while and went to these famous homes. I even met a few of these folks. I wasn't impressed. They looked like me, talked like me and didn't pay any more attention to me, than I did to them. I remember a few of them by name. Who they were is not important. The concept of name dropping eludes me. Why would I have some special power or something from just having met someone famous ? Yet there are those that insist on doing just that.
I have seen over the years how these celebrities and wanna be celebrities destroyed the places they loved and in some cases themselves. Fame and fortune surely must take a toll upon a person. I haven't experienced that first hand but would be willing to try. The celebrities are followed in there actions by those of wealth. Wealthy people must feel like they are famous too. Does wealth equal fame ? I don't think so. Wealth does circulate around fame, and the famous however. It can cause destruction like a tornado. A storm sucking the very life of people and the area where they are living. When it has all been laid to waste it will move on. A new area will be discovered and the cycle repeats.

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