Wednesday, August 14, 2024

think about it


"Critical thinking is a widely accepted educational goal. Its definition is contested, but the competing definitions can be understood as differing conceptions of the same basic concept: careful thinking directed to a goal. Conceptions differ with respect to the scope of such thinking, the type of goal, the criteria and norms for thinking carefully, and the thinking components on which they focus. Its adoption as an educational goal has been recommended on the basis of respect for students’ autonomy and preparing students for success in life and for democratic citizenship."  

 Critical thinking is a term I hear thrown about a great deal today. Having never attended a college or university I was unfamiliar with exactly what that is supposed to mean. As it turns out, those using it don't agree on exactly what it means. It's an educational goal but there is no consensus on what the goal is. It was adopted as an educational goal out of respect for the student's autonomy and preparing them for democratic citizenship. That line explained why so many of the Democrats think the way they do. They are exercising their autonomy! In short, you don't have to actually know the answers, or have a real solution to the problem, just how to not offend anyone else with the facts. When we can't agree on a subject, you exercise your autonomy by saying I'm not using critical thinking skills. 
 So just what are these skills I'm lacking in? I did a search and found this listing. 1) evaluate and respond to arguments. Seems I do that quite a bit, although I have to say the majority of the time, I evaluate the argument as nonsense and respond accordingly. 2) Identify biases. Well, that's easy enough, if you don't agree with me, you are biased, it's obvious enough. 3) Infer. I've always inferred whatever it is you are implying but most people deny that. 4) Research, I read things, I listen to what others are saying, and I try things, so I'm doing my research. 5) be curious. I do wonder a lot, what the heck are you thinking? 6) Judge relevance. That one surprised me as the critical thinkers are always telling me not to Judge. Guess I'll have to give that some thought. No, I won't I've already thought about it. It's all a bunch of nonsense. Judgement is at the heart of it all. 
  In my research I read where the term critical thinking was first used in 1910. John Dewey wrote a book he titled, How we think. That is where the term came from in modern times. The reality is it is nothing new. Socrates and other ancient philosophers practiced and advocated for the same thing. They called it reflective thinking. Reflective thinking entails all the same "skills" as critical thinking. When I was growing up the advice I got was, think about it. And that is all this critical thinking is, thinking about stuff. It isn't some skill you learned in college or at the university. You don't need a degree to do that, all you really need is some common sense. Think beyond what you want at the moment! Just think about it and come up with a reasonable answer, that's critical thinking.
  That's the whole issue today, coming up with a reasonable answer or response. So many have been trained to use this critical thinking "skill" that they can't arrive at a reasonable answer. That's the reason we now have multiple genders, have trouble defining what a woman is and understanding that people really resent having their traditions and beliefs mocked. Way too much reflection on the way things were a couple hundred years ago and attempting to solve the problem today. You are supposed to learn from the past, not relive it! Listen, when colleges and universities begin to teach you how to think, that isn't education, that's indoctrination! It is "critical" to getting others to follow your agenda, however. 
 "To prepare students for success in life and a democratic citizenship." An educational goal? Or is the goal, control? Think about it. Respecting the student's autonomy? Just what does that even mean. Independent and self-governing. I guess that explains a lot if you really think about it, apply those critical thinking skills. Lots of people coming up with independent definitions. So much so the experts can't even agree on what it is they are teaching. 
 Now read the first paragraph once again. What is this critical thinking? In my day it wasn't called critical thinking. I was told, just sit in that chair and think about what you have done! (reflective thinking) Later on mom or dad would come by and say, well. If I gave the correct response, the reasonable response based on reflective thought I would be free to go, if not, I was told to think some more. I wasn't aware I was exercising my autonomy though, just trying to figure out what I did wrong. Truth being, I knew that before I did whatever it is that I did. 

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