Thursday, August 1, 2024

in time

  I guess I have lived a rather sheltered life as I was unaware of how many atheists, agnostics, skeptics and non-believers there are. Well, at least they seem to proliferate Facebook. But then again, I have never really asked anyone about their religious beliefs or non-beliefs. It isn't anything of major concern to me. I have my own beliefs and that is all that is required. My belief doesn't require you to believe. Even if you do that doesn't do anything to strengthen mine. For me, it is all a very personal thing. 
 I did enjoy going to church and being involved in the social aspects of all that when I was younger. I've heard it said that it is a feeling of belonging to something bigger than yourself. I suppose it was, on some level, but it was really the feeling of being a bit higher in the hierarchy than the average congregate. I went from Jr. choir to Acolyte leading the processional, carrying the cross and assisting the minister during Holy Communion services. I was part of the group that decorated the church for the holidays and performed some maintenance tasks as required. It gave me a sense of importance. 
 After joining the Navy I stopped going to regular church services. You were given the option to attend a service every Sunday while in basic training, I chose to remain in the barracks. While in school I went to the chapel for services a few times, but the feeling wasn't the same. I was an outsider. And that is the thing with that. I realize you have to go to church to become a member of that church and I just haven't done that. I always have some excuse, some reasoning to avoid that. And today I don't want to start attending services for the entertainment or social aspects. It just feels disingenuous to me when I do so. Perhaps my belief isn't as strong as I think. But I do believe there is something more, a power greater than us. The universe is far too ordered to be an accident, by chance. I've written several pieces about all of that. What it is isn't as important as recognizing that is. That's my feeling.
 Now as far as all those folks on Facebook denying any such power exists, that this is all there is, I question that as well. I wonder why it is so important to let everyone know that. Some preach that more than a Baptist minister at an old-fashioned revival! My thought is they are trying to convince themselves of that, an attempt to mask their insecurities. I do think it is a natural thing for all of us to question and fear death just a bit. Man has been doing that for as long as there has been man. In all fairness the opposite is just as valid. Isn't belief in God accomplishing the same thing? It is, but for me I feel no need to preach my truth all the time. If asked, I will simply respond, yes, I believe in God. I won't encourage you to do the same but offer that as an alternative to doubt and insecurity. It can be a comfort in times of need. 
  I really don't understand why anyone would want to laugh at others' beliefs. Does that make them somehow feel superior? It is certainly the attitude being projected by all of that. Belief requires no proof. When I hear those folks saying you can't prove that, my response is, neither can you. So that is a moot point. To proclaim that you can know that, as a fact, is a display of arrogance. To proclaim there is a God is a display of faith. I'll chose faith over arrogance every time. Just as many of the memes' I see on Facebook say if I'm wrong, I have lost nothing. If the non-believers are wrong what will be the result? Well, there again it is a matter of belief. I'll go on record as saying, I don't know. I will also say, I would rather be right, than wrong. I will err on the side of prudence. I'll leave it at that, we will both find out one day, it's just a matter of time.  

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