Wednesday, August 7, 2024


  In responding to a comment left by a friend on some post, I really don't recall what it was, this thought came to me; I think this generation called "Z" is the most emotional insecure generation in history. Gen "Z" aren't the children of the baby boomers, but the actual name depends upon which list you are using. I found at least three different naming agencies. So whatever name you want to use I'm talking about the grandchildren of us baby boomers. Thinking about it further I began to wonder if that is simply because they have had it too easy. Ironically, I was told that I had it too easy when I was a kid. We have all heard those tales of struggle and strife endured by our parents. The kids of the depression years. 
 Setting aside all of that and examining what our grandchildren have experienced, I have to say, they have had it pretty easy. But isn't that the goal of every generation, to make it easier, to make it better for the next? If that is the goal, we certainly did a stellar job! All the labor-saving devices that have come along since I was a kid certainly made it easier. I didn't have to chop wood, bring in water from the pump or do a lot of chores. Yes, I did have some "chores" that were my responsibility because that's how you learn to be responsible. My parents still practiced the spare the rod and spoil the child method of child rearing! I did too, but on a far more limited scale. I was more of a sit down and shut up kind of parent. The threat was usually sufficient. Feelings were hurt, but they got toughened up a bit. They learned to deal with disappointments and denials. 
  Today we have college aged children that require emotional support animals! We have children protesting reality! I don't like the gender I was assigned at birth and so I can change that. They are not only expecting but demanding six figure salaries because they have a degree. No matter what the degree happens to be. If they can't find that employment, doing what they really like to do in the field of their choice, their loans should be canceled. Well, because it isn't fair that they have to pay that back when you are not paying them. These children are now complaining about pronouns! And heaven forbid they aren't welcomed with open arms, praised and empowered for their choices in life. They require validation! 
  In years past we had those that were called rebellious. They were children that didn't want to comply with societal norms. Later on, they became activists. They worked for changes in the laws. Yes, they were concerned with things being a bit more equitable. Nothing wrong with that, in fact much of it was a necessity. Building a republic isn't the easiest of chores. But somewhere along the line the objective has been lost. A republic requires unity, a unit of one. In order to establish one each individual has to make a sacrifice, a contribution and the acceptance of realities. Realities like, you can't spend more money than you have, you can't support the world, you are not the center of the universe! 
 The biggest reality to understand is simply, you don't get to decide your value! That will be assigned by others whether you like it or not. Others decide what you deserve. The whole deal is this, you have to make yourself deserving. You have to do your chores. That's what is missing today, chores. Life isn't easy and it shouldn't be. Only the strong survive. It takes mental toughness just as much as physical strength. You won't get either out of a bottle or with a prescription. Mental fortitude is developed through the acceptance of reality and reacting appropriately to that reality. 

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