Monday, August 26, 2024


 While many are busying claiming this or that, their heritage, as it is being called, I find myself on the outside of that. I make no claims on cultural heritage. I'm just an American. That's how I view myself. I have done a good deal of work on the family tree, discovering where my ancestors came from, but I don't make any claim to any of that. I have zero knowledge or experience in being Swedish, German or English. I have never lived in any of those cultures. It's my feeling unless you live in that culture you cannot understand that culture. The closest thing I can come to is in my claim in being from the New England area of the United States. 
 It's a fact, we are not all the same, we Americans, and our attitudes and philosophies vary widely. I suspect the same can be said for other nations as well, although we tend to stereotype other nations. The French are into art and food. The English keep a stiff upper lip and are rather pale people with bad teeth. Those Scandinavians are hardy souls most likely Vikings willing to kill you. Africans run around the jungles. I'm not sure what other nations have to say about Americans. I've heard that we are all rich, spoiled brats that get everything we want. 
  All of that is of course nonsense. Stereotypes. I would say that I have inherited (heritage) that stoic philosophy attributed to those from New England. To be stoic is to remain calm in the midst of the storm. Stoics don't really have those extremes in emotions that apparently affect others. It's true that New Englanders aren't known for their outgoing personalities. What we are known for is that stick to it attitude, resolve in the face of obstacles. That probably stemmed from facing those winters. Not much you can do about mother nature, might as well get used to it. New Englanders tend to stick together, community is very important to them. Outsiders are always viewed with suspicion. Self-reliance is key to being a New Englander. Remember it was those from New England that formed this nation in the first place. 
  When I was in school, I didn't learn much about the ancient Greeks and the school of stoicism. Perhaps if I had gone on to college I would have. Over the years however I have read a good bit of that philosophy. That came about not by design though, I just discovered those guys were saying the same thing I had heard from my parents and grandparents. I didn't know that is what Marcus Aurelis or Epictetus had pointed out a few thousand years ago. Today our educational system is driven more by the philosophy of Plato. I've read where there are four philosophical perspectives in general use. They are, essentialism, perennialism, progressivism and social reconstruction/critical pedagogy. I haven't read up on any of that and so have no comments. It all seems a bit too emotional in my view. We all need to just calm down. 
  I remember reading this, it would be in a meme these days, but I read it long before that term was in general use, "It's difficult to remember the objective is to drain the swamp when you are up to your ass in alligators." But that is what a stoic person will do, remain calm. It seems to me far too many today are concerned with the welfare of the alligator or concerned with the water and environmental impacts. The point is to drain the swamp! Just deal with all the other stuff as necessary. For me it explains this rising concern with mental health. People are driving themselves nuts with worrying about things they can't control. You can't change the weather or change human nature. People will be people regardless of any flags you fly, slogans you repeat, or laws you pass. Deal with it! 
  I make no claim to any heritage. I'm an American from the New England area. It is where I was born and raised. The people I most admire, although they may not be famous or wealthy, came from there too. The majority lived in my town! Strong willed, determined, hardworking people that are loyal to the end. People we said where of " the finest kind" in local parlance. Yes, they were all stoic people not given to outward displays of affection. They didn't fly any flags, wave any banners and insist others adopt their ways. They just went about their lives, their business in their own way. Stoic, you bet they were, until aroused. Make them mad enough and it's "Katie bar the door"      

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