Thursday, August 8, 2024


 Guess I'm just getting old and cranky as so much aggravates me. I'm listening to the news and hearing things like, we want to give a thousand dollars to everyone that has a baby in the city of Baltimore. Yes, that's an actual proposal, one they are saying may be on the ballot. The purpose is to end "child poverty." The program however doesn't target poor families, no that would be discriminatory, so everyone gets it no matter what their income level happens to be. It's not charity, it's an entitlement. And a thousand dollars will certainly solve all the economic issues those low-income families are having. Another program I keep hearing about, "safe streets" in Baltimore has the same effect on me. In that program the taxpayers are paying the salaries and wages of "violence interrupters" that patrol the neighborhoods interacting with the residents to prevent violence. But when questioned about who these people are the mayors' response is, it's a secret. For safety reasons we can't tell you who these people roaming the neighborhoods are. I'm thinking that must be why they don't interact with anyone; they don't want anyone to know. So, I'm left with a big question, just what are they doing? At least one location, a neighborhood clubhouse for safe streets, was raided by the FBI. Several arrests have been made for a variety of illegal activities utilizing that clubhouse. Yes, a taxpayer funded clubhouse for the infamous Black Gorilla Family gang! 
 I hear a lot of people complaining about the self-checkout at Walmart and other places. I'm not an employee! When I go to use the self-checkout, I usually see several shoppers there with their shopping carts filled to the brim. The idea behind those checkouts was to reduce wait time. They were intended to be an express line. If everyone did that, it would work as intended. But as usual, there are those that will abuse the system without giving a thought to anyone else. It's like putting a bowl of candy on the table and saying, only take one. Somebody will fill their pockets. The next person will complain there wasn't enough for everyone. Yeah, that aggravates me. You created the problem and then want to complain about it. I get aggravated when my packages have to be checked at the exit. I'm aggravated because it is a necessity, others are trying to rob the store blind. Some are using the self-checkout for that very purpose. I should be able to conceal one or two high prices items without any problems.
 I really get aggravated with all these people just spouting nonsense. This country is 33 trillion dollars in debt. According to experts it won't be too long before all our taxes will go to paying the interest on that debt. Like those high-interest rate credit cards a very small amount will go towards the principal. The solution being offered, borrow more money, extend taxpayer benefits to non-citizens, provide a guaranteed income for everyone and free health care. Throw the doors open and invite the world to suckle on the treasury of the United States. Aggravating, you bet it is. Tax the rich, redistribute their wealth that's the answer. Right, in that way everyone will be equally poor. Well, except for the ruling elite that is. But don't worry you can work for the government. The democrats will bring back the "Civilian Conservation Corps" building back better. They will provide housing, medical care and a stipend. Wonderful, just wonderful. 
  Aggravation. That's all that is. There needs to be a correction made. That's what is being said about the stock market at the moment, it's just a correction. The market is down about 8.5%. Just a minor correction though, don't worry China will lend us some more money. And there is always that cryptocurrency called Bitcoin. It isn't actual money backed up with anything tangible but can be "mined" by those in the know on their computers. I read a description of what it is, and that explanation must have been written by a cryptologist. You would need one to understand what they are trying to say. It might even be clearer if you got Kamala Harris to explain it! What follows is the explanation I get when googling that.

  You got that right? It's money but it isn't money, a form of payment that no one controls, can be purchased, you are buying what exactly? You are buying data that can be used to extort, influence, target or otherwise give you an advantage in business over your competitors. You can be a miner by allowing your computer to be a part of the conspiracy. What kind of nonsense is that. Yeah, I'm aggravated alright. 

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