Tuesday, August 27, 2024


  Read an article about a Boston Red Sox player that was suspended for two days without pay for using a "anti-gay" slur. Reportedly he was being heckled throughout the game by this individual and he responded by calling him a *aggot. A coach and an umpire were right there and heard the exchange. This player, Jarren Duran was then suspended without pay for two days. The exact amount of money wasn't mentioned but based on his salary it would be about one thousand dollars. He reportedly makes 176,000 a year. But whatever that amount is, it was then donated to a LGBTQ+ organization. This organization is the largest advocacy group for the gay community in the country. PLAG, the parents and friends of lesbians and gays. This player hasn't been the first to be suspended or have their pay taken for doing that. 
  After he uttered that phrase because of the heckling he did apologize and admitted how wrong that was. He explained how it was in the heat of the moment. Nothing was said to the fan that was doing the heckling however, guessing a fan can just say whatever they like and that's cool. The players are supposed to be professionals and display no emotional response to any of that. But the thing is, he said something about the LGBTQ+ community! We are not allowed to have any opinion on that at all other than total support. To say anything against that is akin to blasphemy! The response from our government is the same as the response the Jewish leaders had to Jesus! Blasphemer! You must not say anything negative about a gay person. not ever, for any reason! You just can't do that. 
  I'm not advocating for the use of slurs of any kind. That isn't what I'm saying here. I am saying that people get emotional. Yes, players have feelings despite being a professional. Why is it alright for a fan to heckle a player without any repercussions? You don't think it has anything to do with ticket sales, do you? That was the reason given for this players suspension and loss of pay. The official statement being, we want to make sure all fans are welcomed and feel included in the experience. In short, we want to sell tickets.  Okay, that's fair enough, I agree with the suspension. But why should his pay be donated to the PLAG organization? Is that to signal that the Red Sox baseball club supports gay rights? Is that the message intended to be sent. A virtue pendant! 
  It has become apparent to me that the establishment clause of the constitution needs to be amended. Currently it does create that separation of church of state. A separation intended to prevent religious groups from establishing laws, expending taxpayers' dollars on religious events and all of that. I'm thinking we now need to include this LGBTQ+ business in that clause. Not all Americans believe in this or support it. Indeed, many find it morally reprehensible! It's as offensive to some as is it upsetting to others. 
 It is being treated as though it were a religion! Those members are certainly enjoying the protection of the government in their beliefs. Burning the American flag is a "right", burning a rainbow flag is a crime! Calling me a homophobe is free speech, calling someone other than an approved "letter" is hate speech and a crime. The White house was lighted with the colors of the rainbow when in 2015 the supreme court ruled on same-sex marriages. If that wasn't a display of government support for the LGBTQ+ agenda I don't know what would be. Almost like a Bat Signal! Yes, it was an endorsement of belief. Remember we can't have Christmas trees at the White House, they have to be holiday trees. Can't give any indication that the government supports any religion.
 The only thing upsetting to me is this "taboo" about saying anything negative or contradictory to the LGBTQ+ community. It seems like I can certainly be criticized for my beliefs, whether they be religious or not. I can be called a homophobe, I can be told I believe in a make-believe God, I can be told how terrible my entire race is because of the past. I am told I should give my absolute undying support for a lifestyle I don't agree with. If I don't, I am punished for that. I'm just supposed to sit down, shut up and say nothing. Meanwhile this other group are flying their flags, painting building in rainbow lights, having parades and enjoying an entire month of "celebrating" their choice. I am to say nothing. And that group is now enjoying the full support of the government. The "religion" of gayness. Why it is blasphemy to say anything about any of that. You will be punished! 

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