Monday, October 31, 2022


 Feeling a little under the weather as the saying goes. A bit of a cold. I'm certainly not worried about anything, it happens. It's the rhinovirus, no need to panic. Aches and pains, both come with life. In a few days I'll be back to my normal self, old; with aches and pains. I really can't complain as I do enjoy good health most of the time. I know there are others that aren't so fortunate. I've got aspirin and Alka-Seltzer, a can of chicken noodle soup and some ginger ale. What more could I possibly need? 
 I feel bad for a lot of these younger people today. They are continually bombarded with advertisements for drugs and procedures. You can't go very long watching the television without hearing that you probably are suffering from something. Stuff you never heard of before but should be taken care of immediately! If you can't afford it, the drug companies may be able to help. Real nice of them, isn't it? All the symptoms will be listed, things to watch out for. Feeling depressed? You should seek treatment. Yes, there is definitely something that needs treatment. And there is help as long as the side effects don't kill you. Hey, it rarely happens but you could have serious side effects that lead to death! 
 Yes, I was raised a little bit differently. Mercurochrome and iodine took care of most scrapes and cuts, unless a bone was sticking out, that needed a doctor. Chicken soup, aspirin, saltine cracker and ginger ale. You got your temperature taken, that was the cure. Yup, you do have a fever. You need to starve that! If you have a cold, feed it. If you have both, just eat a little bit. If the cold is severe enough, Vicks VapoRub would be applied. That only works on kids though, that's what I was told. You only went to a doctor as a last resort. You didn't just go to the doctor for no reason. That's like taking your car to the garage and asking the mechanic if something needs to be fixed. And if you did go to the doctor you didn't presume to tell him or her what the trouble was, or what drug should be prescribed. If they knew what they were doing you didn't have to, that's their job. 
 Guess I'll just take it easy for a few days. Play with my pictures and computer stuff. It's getting cold outside anyway. Time to take a rest.  


  1. Replies
    1. If you get a cough Ben mix honey and cinnammon 1/4tbs cinnamon to 4 Tbs of honey mix well take 3 times a day I did it works. You can add some memo. If you have it You can make ahead and cover tight and you are all set. Rest feel better
