Sunday, October 2, 2022


 Look, I'm just going to say what I'm thinking. I'm real tired of all these LGBTQ+ people acting like they are somehow special, somehow entitled to special consideration or praise. I really don't care to know about your sex lives! It's simply not my business and I have no desire to make it so. For me, it is on a need-to-know basis, and I don't need to know. All of this, "I'm out" stuff just comes off as a plea to me. It sounds like you know what you are doing isn't acceptable to the majority, but you are attempting to normalize your actions. It is easier when you can use the excuse, everyone is doing it! Just like when you were a child, but everyone was doing it. Just because everyone is doing it doesn't mean you should! It's that simple really. When everyone is doing what is wrong, it doesn't become right. 
 I'm well aware that these folks have been around in society since the very beginning. It's nothing new. I'm well aware that other societies have even embraced that, feeling that those folks were somehow special, or at least different, from the rest of us. They are not. They are just people like you and I with their own set of issues and problems. I just don't understand the necessity to advertise that at every opportunity. Why are you carrying flags and rainbows around trying to force others to accept your choices. And yes, it is a choice! I'm not buying that you can't choose, that it is somehow predestined, predetermined that you are whatever. You can choose to act upon that or not. 
 Let's talk about pride. You're proud of what exactly? That you are in the currently 5.6% of the population to say they are gay? I get it, it's cool to be gay right now, it's the in thing. And with the mainstream media supporting, and dare I say encouraging such behaviors as a viable choice, is it any wonder? I'm strictly heterosexual, a term I hadn't even heard growing up nor was it questioned, but am I proud of that? It isn't how I would describe it, it just is, like the other 96% of the population. Frankly, it's the norm. Yup, I'm just normal. Those of you waving flags and hollering about pride are aberrations. Aberrations are those outside the norm. It isn't only gay people, there plenty of others. I don't see any of the others holding parades and having an entire month devoted to justifying their choices or situation. 
 All I'm saying here is this. If you are LGBTQ+ or whatever else you want to be that's your business, not mine. If you keep your business to yourself, you won't have any problems. Flaunting behavior known to be unsettling and controversial in a public setting will lead to problems! It doesn't matter what it is. All this talk of end prejudice/end racism is just talk; it will never happen. People will hold prejudiced and racist views regardless of any parade, any flags, any marches and protests. Prejudice is a part of human nature. People are naturally leery and a bit afraid of anything different. They always will be! That is why we institute laws among men. You can't simply make a law to end prejudice and racism, oh if it were only that easy. The best you can do is make laws to punish those that act on their prejudice and racism. 
 All I'm saying is I'm real tired of hearing I'm gay, like it is some badge of entitlement or honor. I will treat you the same as I treat any other person. I disagree with your choice, it's as simple as that. In fact, I find that behavior disgusting and abhorrent! That being said it doesn't mean I hate you or want to harm you in any way. I don't hate people for eating lima beans, also disgusting and abhorrent. I just don't eat lima beans. It's really easy to understand. What I'm saying is quit trying to put lima beans on my plate, quit trying to tell me they are delicious and quit trying to get me to eat them! It ain't happening Jack, or is it, Bruce? You aren't going to convince me any differently.                    

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