Wednesday, October 26, 2022

what do you think?

  I've had this thought and am looking for an opinion. I have good memories of my Great Grandfathers home. I have a few pictures and some history associated with that house as well. It was originally built by my 2nd great grandfather, James Buckley Terry in 1895. It was sold out of the family sometime in the late 1960's. I have no idea who owns or lives in that house today. But here's my thought. I would send copies of what pictures I have of the house from back in the day along with a picture of the grandparents and my dad who was raised in that home as well. My idea is a sort of history. My thought is to send those folks home, so to speak.
 I'm wondering if that were you how would you receive that? I mean would you want the pictures, the history on the house and be excited or would you go, eh. Would you put their pictures on the wall? I know that great grandmother Lucy passed away in the parlor of that home after an extended illness. Would that information creep you out? I could tell some stories I know about the house as well. I'm just wondering how it would all be received. Personally, I would find it interesting. I'm not seeking anything in return. I just have the feeling that I should share that information, that history, as I'm one of the few that knows it firsthand. Yes, you can get facts from official records, deeds and such but you would learn little of the people that lived there. 
 So, what are your opinions or ideas? Cool or not? I would need to get the mailing address, but I think I can do that. I'll just ask those folks that contact you about your cars extended warranty! I'm certain they have all the information I need. The home I grew up has been torn down, gone, replaced, it's history. But Great Grandfathers house still stands proudly on the corner. My grandmother Clara was married in that house. My father left for WW2 from that house and returned there after the war. The man who built that house was a civil war veteran. Lots of history passed through those doors. Mostly through the kitchen door. I don't recall the front door ever being opened.     


  1. Personally, I would love info like this, but not everyone might. What about sending your info to the historical society in the area? That way, if anyone is interested, it would be there for all time, for all who come later, looking for history on the house. I think I would keep my originals though, and send copies.

  2. I would love it! If someone sent me that kind of History and the house that I owned it would be fantastic. To hear the history of what was going on during then would make me feel closer to the house and the community. Plus they didn't like it there's nothing lost if you don't send the original stuff and make copies of pictures etc. And who knows the way they sell houses out there they may pass the information on to the next people.
