Sunday, October 30, 2022

Criminals and crazies

 Before I begin, I want to make it perfectly clear that everyone should be safe in their homes. That really should go without having to say a thing but in todays' world it is a necessity. The rich, the famous, politicians, and anyone else in or out of the spotlight should not have to be concerned about the crazies out there. Thing is, there are crazies out there, always have been and always will be. Criminals and crazy people. 
 I listened to the news reports about the attack on Paul Pelosi. An intruder entered his home at 2 in the morning looking for Nancy. He managed to call 911 and leave a cryptic message that sent the police to check on him. They arrived in time to apprehend this nut case and possibly save the life of Paul Pelosi. It's a terrible thing, everyone agrees on that. The chief of Police was on television placing the blame on right wing politics! No doubt if you looked at the perpetrator's social media pages, he was a right wind nut job. Obviously, he has mental issues. That doesn't excuse anything he did, not in the least. 
 I'm no conspiracy theorist, I don't believe any of this has anything to do with the mid-term elections. I believe for whatever demented reason this guy had he went there to attack Nancy Pelosi. No one sent him, he is simply a criminal! What concerns me, other than the obvious, is this incident will be used as a political tool and I have no doubt that it will. It will used as more "proof" of how dangerous a man Trump is, and his supporters. If you don't believe every social media post about Trump will now be under scrutiny you had better open your eyes. If you don't believe there are programs and algorithms in place that flag that stuff, you're truly blind! 
 The motive for this crime is known only to the one that committed the crime. Investigators, analysts, experts from every field, including soothsayers, can guess at that, but they don't know. That the motive will be determined to be right wing politics is a forgone conclusion, possibly a correct one, but that doesn't explain why. Why do crazy people do what they do? What really drives a person to such extremes? We really don't know the answer to any of that. But you will hear about the "flags" being there. That law enforcement should have known and caught this criminal before he struck. It could have been avoided if social media were closely monitored by government officials. If only there were tighter controls on speech! Government intervention is required! Dissent will not be tolerated! Threats and innuendo are sufficient cause for arrest! Well at least a forced mental health evaluation by a government approved "expert." It's completely justified and reasonable, right? That's what you are going to hear, mark my words. At least in the short term you will, while it is politically expedient to do so. 
 This incident will grab the spotlight, draw national attention and be discussed by every talking head on television. Something needs to be done! Thing is the same outrage should be felt when this stuff happens to you and me, but it isn't. Criminals are using our major cities as shooting galleries but all you hear about is their rights. It's the guns' fault, not the people. Robberies aren't because of criminals, robberies are because people are hungry, underprivileged and marginalized. They should be provided "resources" to improve their condition. Mass shootings are caused by assault rifles, not crazy people! If we didn't allow the crazy people to buy guns, no one would get shot. Background checks and mental health evaluations have already been proposed. Well because crazy people always get their assault weapons through legal channels. They'd be crazy to break the law. 
 In this case the guy used a hammer. I suspect the hammer was already in the home, I haven't heard where that came from. The bottom line is simple enough to understand. The guy is a nut! He was caught red handed, beyond a shadow of a doubt he did the crime. Now all that is left is for him to do the time. For me, that time is the rest of his life! He can get "cured" in jail but that won't negate the crime. All that should do is make him aware of exactly what he did and understand the seriousness of his crime. It's not an excuse, perhaps it is the cause. No matter. What happened is a break in followed by an assault. That's all that happened. It shouldn't have happened to Paul Pelosi and it shouldn't happen to anyone! It does and it will. 
 I am not trying to marginalize what happened to Paul Pelosi in any way. I don't know much about him and I'm certain it was his wife that was the target. I don't like Nancy Pelosi or her politics but do not wish any harm to her either. I'm just saying that things like this happen every single day to everyday people. It may or may not be mentioned in the evening news. If it was you or I, probably no mention. The news now reports on gun violence in the city of Baltimore with the stats on how many were killed, and how many wounded. If the person or persons were only wounded, they present that differently. It's almost like, ah a mere flesh wound, no problem. I have no doubt that a mountain will be made out of this incident, proof positive that only the Democrats should stay in power, the Republicans will get us all killed. Shame that wasn't the response when Seattle was being occupied, when looters and rioters were given " room" to express themselves. None of that was caused by the Democrats on the left. Nope, that was fine, barely worth a mention.  

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