Monday, October 10, 2022

Taking on water

 Well, it is early voting season. Ballots can be mailed in starting in a few days, to a few weeks depending. The Democrats are insisting that mail in ballots is the best way, should be mailed in very early to allow them all to be counted. The longer time allowed to vote, the more votes can be gathered. The record high for number of ballots cast was in the last election cycle at 62% of all eligible voters. That means that 38% of eligible voters did not cast a ballot at all. I guess they just needed more time to decide! Of course, the results of those ballots can't be released until after the polls close. In that way we can see who needs more votes. Lots of votes appear in the middle on the night in that fashion. 
 The midterms are fast approaching, and the Democrats are getting nervous. They stand a good chance of losing their majority. I certainly hope that is the case as we need to start damage control real soon or this ship is going down! Unsustainable debt, a flood of migrants, rampant crime and now the threat of nuclear war! We are in serious trouble folks. I'm encouraged when I hear that the woke crowd is finally coming around to reality. That nonsense is losing its' steam. It's all good when you are giving away other people's money, but they have discovered it is their money! Well then, there are exceptions to all this empathy. When the migrants camp in your backyard that's an eye opener. Inflation isn't slowing down no matter how many pundits on television want to report otherwise. The electric vehicles are literally bursting into flames! 
 The national debt has exceeded thirty-one trillion dollars. Were we were once energy independent. Biden has been back to the Arabs begging for oil. Pipe lines and gas lines are being destroyed and shut down. Home heating oil prices are skyrocketing as Biden asks the companies, don't make any money on your product, keep the price low. If it continues the government will begin monitoring and rationing of fuels achieving further control of the masses. And make no mistake about it, this is all about control. You will be allowed your vices and pleasures, given relief and pardons, forgiveness for your lawless and godless behaviors. Kill the babies, smoke your dope, release the felons and give them all the vote! All they have to do is comply. Let government decide what you can and cannot do or say. 
 The "politburo" will decide everything. It won't be a redistribution of wealth, rather it is the redistribution of debt that is the agenda. Already you are expected to pay for the debt other people borrowed. You pay for the housing, healthcare and education of those illegally crossing the border. Snap recipients receive 204 dollars a month, of your tax money, in addition to many other benefits and entitlements. There are roughly 65 million people receiving public assistance today! 65 million and the number is growing every single day. 65 million is about 19% of the total population of the country! Almost one in every five people are receiving public assistance! But we are opening the borders to welcome thousands more! It won't take long before half the population is on assistance. That's the plan, the big picture. This ship is taking on water! It's streaming in from the south. The debt is weighing us down. The captain of the Titanic was E. J. Smith, following company orders, the captain of this ship is doing the same thing, just doing what he is told. The end result will be the same unless leadership changes. 

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