Tuesday, October 18, 2022

The vote

 Got my sample ballot in the mail yesterday. It's always a good thing to read through that. Amazing how many names are on there that I've never heard of. It really does show the power of money. Those with little money (campaign funds) are whispering while those with more are screaming. It really doesn't seem fair but it's the way it works and the way it has always worked. I can't see that changing any time soon either. Man has always allowed those with the money to make the decisions. It isn't because they are any smarter than the rest of us, but they have money. Money is influence.
 Now I went on social media and found some information about those "dark" candidates. The platforms where you get to post for free are a benefit to those folks. Of course, it requires effort on the part of those seeking that information. I hadn't even heard those names mentioned before! Certainly, the local news hasn't devoted any time to mention those folks or if they did, I missed it. I admit to not being terribly familiar with the platforms of these other parties. The green party, the libertarians and the worker's party. I don't want to jump to conclusions about them based on their names but then again, it is their marketing scheme. And the platform of the Republicans and Democrats aren't what I would call defined either. 
 Reading through the sample ballot you come to the questions. In Maryland there are five on the ballot. The first one concerns renaming the appellate courts. It would also change the name of Judges to Justices. The explanation provided is rather vague, but I suppose if you were an attorney all of this may make a difference. I'm not sure how to vote on that. The second one concerns your place of abode. Basically, the change would mean you would have had to actually live in the district for a longer period of time before you are eligible to assume office in that district. Seems reasonable to me. Number three concerns jury trials. The amount in question has to exceed $25,000 before you can request a jury trial. (Currently it is $10,00). Seems reasonable, I'll give it a yes. Number four asks if the legislature should legalize adult usage of marijuana. It also wants to change the name from Marijuana to Cannabis. I'm voting NO, I don't support ignoring federal law. And finally, a constitutional amendment for the circuit court of Howard county concerning Judges for the Orphans court. I don't know and don't have an opinion on that, it doesn't concern me. I expect there are some political advantages to be gained by someone and that's why it is being proposed.
 I did notice a bit of urging to vote early. That was predominately displayed by a half page flyer. Vote early, vote often! The best time is on Saturday and Sundays! You can change your address during early voting as well. An election judge will be glad to help and give you a ballot for your new address. Voting in Caroline County will begin on the 27th of October and run straight through until the 3rd of November. Then you can rest up for election day on the 8th, where you have to go to the polling place assigned to you on your sample ballot.
 There are 18 spots to be filled along with the five questions to be answered. Maryland has to choose a new governor as our current governor has reached his term limit. I'm not very happy with any of the choices offered. It's my feeling we will get the Democratic candidate, he is leading in the polls. The Republican offering is Dan Cox, and he is being touted as a Trump Republican! Trump has endorsed him. Maryland is a predominately Democratic state, especially the cities. Governor Hogan (R) is described as a moderate. He has done a wonderful job and will be missed. I didn't always agree with him, but I'll give him his due. Don't be surprised if you hear him mentioned as a presidential candidate. He isn't saying.
 The mid-terms are a turning point. I certainly hope and pray we turn in the right direction! That direction is back! Back to common sense and America first. We cannot afford to just keep spending money. The natural debt has exceeded 31 trillion dollars! This has to be corrected! We need to start a new campaign. " Just say No" No to "free" everything. No to buying foreign oil, and yes to producing our own. Close the border to all that do not have the proper paperwork! We can't afford to simply take in thousands of people a day! 
 What worries me are all those that are just enjoying the free ride! As long as they get something for free, they don't care what it is doing to the nation. As long as they can show everyone else how charitable they are, how concerned and caring, what good people they are, they just don't care! They won't care either until it begins to really affect then on a personal level. Then it will be too late. Those folks need to learn to say no. Remember when we used to talk about "tough love?" Yeah, let's go back to that. That's what is needed.   

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