Saturday, February 19, 2022

the odds are

 Just heard on the news. Casinos in Maryland will now give covid booster shots! Yes, that's part of the plan. Get your stimulus check, or your bribe, maybe you won the lottery, and head to the casino. The booster shot will be administered for free! Now, that's taking care of business. It's a targeting of a certain demographic. It's also the same demographic that needs services, like transportation, to get to the polls. The same demographic that needs assistance! Middle aged, making less than forty thousand a year and playing slot machines. That is the demographic majority in casinos. Interesting that more women gamble than men. So why not make it a one stop shop.
 Here in Maryland, they have had, and continue to have, vaccination lotteries. The top prize is a million dollars! A few have already received 50 thousand and more. All you have to do is comply. Get the shot and you are entered to win! State sponsored bribery at its' finest. If isolation, mask mandates, loss of your job or social ostracization doesn't convince you, maybe a chance at winning a million dollars will. Have to say, the state sure is adamant about getting you to take that shot. They have been at it for almost two years now. And the more they insist, the more they come up with these crazy schemes, the more I become convinced. Something just isn't right about any of this! I know, I know, trust the science. So far science hasn't shown me much, covid is still here, still making people sick, there is talk of a fourth booster and the same number of variants. But I'm trusting my instincts on this one, something just isn't right. The government, for whatever  reason, has created a sort of "mass" hysteria. Hysteria isn't quite the word I want but perhaps fear is a better choice. 
 But whatever the case may be, dispensing booster shots at Casinos just strikes me as desperate. Will they give out free play with each shot? I won't be a bit surprised if that occurs. Hey why not hand out some Marijuana first, that should loosen the people up, free their inhibitions, relieve the stress. Then give'em the booster and ten dollars free play! Maybe a tax break every year for every booster that you get. Paying for compliance? Sure seems like the plan to me. Is that the new model for government? You comply with whatever demands the government imposes upon you, including any medical choices. 
 Cigarettes, alcohol and gambling are all great revenue streams for taxes. The plan is to replace tobacco with marijuana, eventually. Alcohol isn't going anywhere, just being remarketed in different ways, think expensive wines and craft beers. Gambling is being extended, just a short time back Maryland now allows sports betting, what we used to call making book, but now it's parley betting and very chic. There is talk of legalizing prostitution as well. The city states attorney for Baltimore, the one under indictment for perjury and fraud, has refused to make arrest for that crime. The only holdup is in determining how to tax and control the business. Maybe they could be used to give out booster shots as well. Barber shops can be used. Hey why not the drive up at McDonalds, get a booster shot and an order of fries free. 
 The government has sent out 50 million test kits to homes across America. Now we don't know if anyone actually has covid, or any variant thereof, but we should test for that. Colon cancer is one of the leading causes of death. A test kit for that? About $599.00. That does include the cost of shipping though. I have yet to receive my testing kits and if I do, I will send them back. I refuse to be paranoid about this. Know someone that needs to test their blood sugar daily? The test strips are expensive, the government isn't sending my wife any of those. Why aren't the casinos giving out insulin shots? I'm thinking it is simply because you actually need those shots, you are compliant to stay alive. But getting the vaccination and boosters are not that way, therefor compliance must be mandated. Want to live free? Do as you are told! That's the bottom line here. Covid has a survival rate in excess of 98%, that's good odds in my book. It's my thinking the vaccine and booster shots aren't nearly as effective as that. The best I've found is 94% but that was reported by the manufacturer of that vaccine. So, I'll continue to play the odds, the ones in my favor, not the government. 

1 comment:

  1. COVID SHOTS, including boosters, are free. Covid test kits are sent to those who ask for them, so don't worry about sending them back. Good luck to you with your odds.... you like playing in casinos? Your chances are probably better there than out there with the unvaccinated covid infected souls.
