Friday, February 4, 2022

Grow up!

 Sitting here trying to figure out how to say what I'm thinking. That's often an issue these days. The reason is simple enough, there are a lot of downright crazy things going on in the world. I'm trying to understand how we are supposed to operate on emotion alone. That's the biggest problem I'm seeing today. Now I'm not saying we should all be like Spock but certainly we should be rational! Currently the country is 30 trillion dollars in debt. 30 trillion. I saw that number explained in this way. 30 trillion seconds is one million years. Just think about that for a minute. While that number is a fiscal reality our government wants to increase spending, by a few more trillion! Is that rational? I hardly think so.
 Then we have this issue of minorities writing the narrative. Less than 1% of the population identify themselves as transgender. In response to that, an emotional response, we are being forced to change the use of pronouns, pretend that this is normal behavior, and indeed grant special privilege to those folks. If you lump all the gay, trans, LBGTQ and whatever together they are about 5% of the population. Yet, in response to 5% we are now saying same sex couple can get married and that is normal. It's not, it's less than 6% of the total population. We have a vice president selected solely because of identity politics. That was the only reason she was selected. When getting the first female president didn't pan out the vice-presidential seat was close enough. And today it is going to be a black female Judge to the Supreme court, for the same reason. Open discrimination that is being hailed as "progressive" and "equal" treatment. Crazy right? It's the reality.
 Everyone is offended. Well, except for those of us left with common sense that is, we're mad! Tough times make for tough choices. Those choices must be made even when it hurts your feelings. You can't operate the business of government on emotions. Yeah it's a shame, its' too bad, about others in foreign lands that don't enjoy the freedom and opportunity my country has to offer. That doesn't mean I should surrender my land, my home to them! That's the way the cookie crumbles! Guns and drugs aren't the problem! The problem is people that use them! Using either one of them is a choice. You should be held accountable for your choices! Make bad choices, bad things happen to you. That's what happens! You will not be coddled and told it's not your fault. You will not be held up as some shining example should you change your ways, should you "recover." Nope, what is to be admired is doing the right thing the first time, every time. You should be ashamed when you make mistakes, especially when it was your choice to make that error. The objective should be to hope others don't discover that, not brag about it. Starting the fire and then putting that fire out doesn't make you a hero! That's not how it works! 
 I don't know I'm just getting tired of all the whining and crying. Grow up! For Gods sake people, grow up! Quit expecting someone else to help you, to "empower" you! As a general rule people will use you to their benefit. That's how it works in the world. If someone is "empowering" you it is to their benefit to do so; for whatever reason. Yeah sounds cynical doesn't it? Fact is, the majority of the time it is the simple truth. We don't like to admit that do we? I mean, you don't do that, not ever. Ha, look how fast someone will unfriend you, block you and attempt to cancel you altogether. Then look how friendly they get if you have something they want, like money. Win the lottery and just like that everyone will "love" you. It's true even in personal relationships, when one partner just tires of the other. It happens every day. It takes effort on your part to remain of value to someone else! The sooner you learn that, the better off you will be. Relationships do not endure on emotions! Relationships endure through personal effort. You are responsible for you! No one else is responsible for you! 

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