Thursday, February 3, 2022

Got it?

 I heard some football coach claiming he wasn't hired because of racism. Or was it that he got fired because of racism? I don't remember exactly as I really don't care. Just seems like anytime anything doesn't go the way a black person wants or expects, it's racism. This coach for example has a record of 24 wins and 25 loses over the last three seasons. Was that the result of racism? No, that was the result of the team losing half the time. Fact is, the groundhog has as good a record when it comes to that. The groundhog is right about half the time too. Maybe that has something to do with the other animals, some nefarious plot. I read some comments about this on social media and one question stood out. "What color where you when you got hired?" LOL, seems like a very pertinent question to me. Guess it is only discriminatory if you get fired, or don't get hired. 
 Whoopi got suspended for two weeks for her statements about the holocaust. Seems pretty lenient when compared to what has happened with others. How many celebrities are pulling all their shows off ABC? That's what you do whenever someone says something you don't agree with, right? Or, are all the others saying they agree with her? If they don't withdraw that would seem to be the case. She must be canceled, it's only fair. And we are all concerned with fairness, impartiality and "doing the right thing." We be woke! Whoopi fell asleep at the wheel. went off the road and crashed. Well maybe she could move to Canada. Fulfill a promise she made some years back. 
 The plan to nominate and confirm a black female supreme court justice is moving forward. Shouldn't take too long when you start with a short list. There are currently 28 black female federal judges in the United States. There are 870 total Federal judges. So, as you can see, the list is short indeed. In fact only 3.21% of all federal judges are being considered. But excluding 96.79% of the candidates isn't discriminatory, no, it's being fair. Any resistance to this plan will be construed as racist, misogynistic, and an attempt to subvert the office of the President! And what is the reason it must be a black female judge? "They" need a representative. "THEY" Who are they? Are they somehow different from everyone else? Are they somehow entitled to special consideration? Are they somehow to interpret law differently from everyone else, you know, with a degree of prejudice? Well because if "they" are nominated that in itself can't be prejudicial. That's true even when you have to be prejudiced to enforce it! Well because you can't be prejudiced in nominating and confirming a justice, only in not nominating or confirming that justice. Kinda like a football coach. Not prejudicial to hire him, only to fire him. Got it? I got it.  

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