Thursday, February 17, 2022

emotional justice

 Can justice be measured in dollars and cents? It certainly appears to be the thinking these days. Listen to any television commercial involving those injury law firms. Get the justice you deserve! What they are saying is, get money. It is something I have noticed for a while now. I just saw where Remington Arms settled with the parents of those children that were victims of the Sandy Hook tragedy. That took place ten years ago. A settlement of 73 million dollars was agreed upon. The hail has gone up, Justice is served. The official story is the families are hoping for gun control. The truth is, people control what guns do, not the manufacturer of those guns.
 I've read some comments that Remington Arms must feel some complicity in what happened, that's why they are settling the case. Well, the widow of the Winchester Company did, Sarah Winchester, but I'm thinking that isn't the case here. After ten years of litigation, I'm certain it is cheaper for Remington to just settle rather than continue. I haven't seen any details about the settlement but I'm betting it is a structured settlement of some sort. Perhaps JG Wentworth will get you your money so you can use it now! Will that be justice? Just what is justice? Is it retribution? Or is it punishment? Is the function of justice to return whatever it is you lost? Is it to make you whole again? Isn't Justice supposed to be fair and reasonable? Is 73 million dollars going to fulfill any of those conditions? I would have to say, no.
 In this case what they are seeking is emotional justice. Certainly, the events of that day were horrific, a tragedy. That can be said anytime anyone is injured or killed by a mentally deranged individual. It would be true no matter the device used to perform that act. It wasn't the fault of the gun or the manufacturer of that gun. The fault lies squarely on the person using the weapon. That's why I say what they are seeking is emotional justice. Emotional justice cannot be awarded by a court! You can't sue for that! Yes, you should hold the individual or individuals responsible for their actions, a punitive response. The punitive response may provide some level of comfort, or it may not. Will monetary compensation provide comfort? I don't believe it will. It may provide a means to be distracted for a while, it may provide a sense of satisfaction that punishment was handed out, but it will not heal emotional scars. No amount of money will replace what was lost on that day! 
 I'm not suggesting that these families are motivated by greed or trying to use the tragic loss of their loved ones for financial gain. I am suggesting that the attorneys involved in all of this are. They are promising these families what? That by suing Remington Arms that will somehow alter what people do with a weapon? Remember the weapon does nothing without a person using that weapon. The weapon is an inanimate object! They are promising a change in the second amendment. They are preying upon the emotions of those families, that's what they are doing. Nothing will change what has taken place, and nothing will change what potentially could take place. It's akin to suing God because of a flood or other natural disaster! The only difference is Remington Arms has money. 
 If I am allowed to now sue for emotional justice where does that end? You hurt my feelings; how much is that worth. You accidently hit my pet with your car. Do I sue you or the car manufacturer? I'm heartbroken and should receive emotional justice. The product did exactly what it was designed to do, whatever the product was. Doesn't make any difference whether it is a gun, a knife, a tank or a battleship. If the product is misused, that is the fault of the user, not the product. You may extract justice, revenge, retribution or retaliation against that person, but not against the product itself. 
 Is there such a thing as emotional justice? My answer would be yes. The thing is emotional justice can only be received through yourself, not from an outside source. Whether that source is religious belief or just a simple acceptance of truth, it must come from you. You can't sue for that.              

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