Friday, February 25, 2022


 Is there white culture? You sure don't hear a lot about that, if it exists at all. There is a lot of discussion about black culture, does that exist? Or is all culture just an appropriation or assimilation of the people we interacted with over the centuries. Every race was and still are migrants. The defining of exactly where that migration started is debated by the scientists. Africa is currently holding the title. All humans came out of Africa. But, as I said, that is debatable. If that is so, couldn't it be argued that we are all Africans? We just have different skin tones based on adapting to the climate. We also developed different traditions, customs, and religious beliefs based on the social units we formed. 
 So what is white culture? Is it strictly a European thing? Do all white people come from Europe? Well that all depends on how those people chose to identify themselves. Do the Arab nations think they are white people? What about the Portuguese or Spanish peoples? What is Black culture? Do all black people come from Africa? If so, what culture is that? There are about 3000 tribes speaking two thousand languages in Africa, are they all the same culture? That seems unlikely. 
 Now if black people have been living with white people for at least 15 generations wouldn't you think they would share a common culture? I think so. But we are being told that they are somehow fundamentally different. I think the issue is in using "white" culture, whatever that is supposed to be, as the "standard" that other cultures are measured against. But, what is that standard? That's my question and I haven't found a satisfactory answer to that. All I seem to find are reasons that every other culture perceives themselves somehow inferior or limited by white culture. What is white culture? 
 Could white culture simply be those that are in control of the politics? What is politics? Politics are those decisions that regulate a society. Whether those regulations are enforced by law or by brute force makes little difference. That's politics. Those in power will generally impose regulations that strengthen their power, position and finances. That is universal, I don't care what color or culture you claim, that will be true. The majority will always impose its' will upon the minority. That's just another basic fact of life. There will be times when the minority rebels and overcomes that majority, like the United States did against Great Britian, and establish a new political system. Ours being the very first constitutional republic in the world. A government of the people. It wasn't designated as a government only for white people, no, indeed it was spelled out, all Citizens of this nation would share equal protection under the law and share equal responsibility for its' governance. Is that white culture? 
 What is black culture then? Is it the opposite? What is different about it? That the black man was treated unfairly is an understatement. There is no discussion required about that. The past speaks for itself, history speaks for itself. You can't change what was, to satisfy what you wish had been. The black man is not alone in history as far as being repressed or abused. That took place all across Europe for centuries, one group attacking another, wars raging, slaves captured. all manner of abuse, intolerance and subjugation. And all Europeans are white, aren't they? The same could be said for the African continent. And all Africans are black, right? How is African culture different from European culture when viewed in that way? 
 What I find frustrating about all of this is that there can be no discussion. As a white guy I am supposed to just accept whatever the black man says without question. If I don't, I'm just a racist. There is no other alternative. Unless I bow down to the "woke" crowd and agree to their every point, I'm a racist. I'm even a racist when it doesn't involve race, only culture. Is race and culture the same thing? I say, no. They are not. Thing is, I'm not even supposed to ask.    

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