Tuesday, May 4, 2021

just a jab

 So yesterday the governor of Maryland announced that state workers will get paid one hundred dollars if they get the vaccine. He also said it is retroactive so if you already got it you will be paid as well. I guess if you aren't a state worker it's not that big a deal, no reward for you. I know this isn't the first bribe being offered to get the vax! Of course you have to remember even when you get the vax that doesn't mean you won't get the dreaded covid, even after several shots of vaccine, you are still vulnerable. The narrative being, you will get it from those that didn't get the vaccine. Still trying to understand that logic. I'm  supposed to get the vaccine to protect myself from getting covid, but I can still get covid, especially from those that didn't get the vaccine to protect themselves from those that didn't get the vaccine. So now the state workers will receive a hundred bucks to get a vaccine that doesn't actually do anything but give you a false sense of security. But the important part here is, control and compliance. You will do as you are told, even if we have to pay you to do it. No word about what happens if you are a state worker but refuse to get the vaccine. Pressure in the workforce? Will that be noted in your performance reports? No, I'm sure those that wish to advance in the ranks wouldn't mention any of that. How long before there are demands, I'm not working with that unvaccinated person! My rights are being violated and if I get covid because I had to work with an unvaccinated person, I will sue the state! Oh, that's gonna happen as sure as I'm typing this blog. 
 I find this whole deal very unsettling, all this bribery by government officials. How else would you describe it? You are being paid to comply, to do what someone else wants you to do. You feel like you shouldn't do this, you have reservations, doubts, but are offered a cash payment for doing it anyway. It's bribery plain and simple. And make no mistake about it you will be punished for non compliance. You had best get that vaccine or your freedom will be impacted. You don't really get a choice! No vaccine, no travel for you, no entry into certain venues, and eventually no job either! Whether you have the vaccine or not will be a part of your permanent record! Used to be medical choices, medical conditions, and your medical history was private and confidential. There have been numerous lawsuits involving just that. Insurance companies were being sued because they based their premiums of that information! A great cry went out! How unfair, how discriminatory and unjust! Why that is just outrageous! But today, hey give me a hundred bucks and all is forgiven right? No problem. When it costs me money it's a big problem, when I stand to gain, well, not so much. No problem at all. Are you okay with selling that to the highest bidder? I'm not. 
 What do you think those stimulus checks were all about? What do you think the promise of more is all about? Is it really about helping the people? No, it's about keeping the people under control, as best they can. It's the oldest trick in the book and millions are falling for it. Truth is they have been falling for that for many years now. It has just gone by a variety of names. In years past we would place people in the "poor" house. There they were required to get out of bed, do whatever work they were capable of, fed, provided medical care and given a place to sleep. Then that was abolished and we got what? Welfare and homeless people. But that was social progress right? Today we aren't even supposed to call that welfare, it is now assistance. A misnomer if ever there was one. In order to be assisted you have to be doing something in the first place. We have millions just sitting on their hands, receiving assistance in doing just that, nothing. But those folks are compliant anyway, for the most part. Sure they stage protests, do a little looting and burning things down once in a while, but as a whole they comply. And now because so many of those folks have wound up in jail we will begin releasing them, you know, to make the prison a safer, more comfortable and a place of healing. Well I can see right through all of that. And now the "guards" are resorting to bribery! Compliance at any cost? That cost will be your freedom if you allow it. But, it's just a jab right? Yup, and following that jab comes the knockout punch!   

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