Tuesday, May 11, 2021

being critical

  Isn't it amazing how quickly made for tv's movies can be produced. I just saw Netflix advertising one about Asian-Americans, you know how they have been mistreated by the mean white people in the world. I wonder if they will mention that time the Asian people bombed Pearl Harbor on a Sunday morning? Nah, I guess not. Of course I'm certain they will talk about how unfair it was to place those Asians in interment camps after that happened though. Hey just because their people ( you know Asians) had blown up Pearl Harbor, destroying ships, facilities and taking lives was no reason to be wary of them. They were Americans too! Well, I'm sorry but it sure seems like a reasonable response to me, prudent even. Yes some call that profiling. and profiling is a terrible thing. But really it is predictive policing. Asians had attacked America, is it unreasonable to predict that others may attempt the same thing? No different than a white man walking through Harlem. I can predict what may happen, it's true it may not, but I'm predicting a bad outcome. As a result I avoid that neighborhood. That's all I'm saying. 
 It's a rather strange thing really. This nation was founded by white people. Yes, those white people were many nationalities, that was before we became fixated on race. That conglomerate of white people was concerned with government oppression. It was government that was holding them back from achieving their dreams. The first ones that came here were seeking their fortunes. Yes, the narrative was religious freedom but that wasn't the real purpose, it was money. The promise of land, the promise of a land with untold resources. Religion had been used as a tool of government. That was evident  to anyone that knew history at all. Remember the Divine right of Kings? That concept existed long before Europeans adopted it. Truth is ancient Egyptian cultures (are Egyptians white people) practiced that, as well as Aryans. Remember it wasn't until the New Testament that man is commanded to have no God before him and we get a Pope. The Pope then, over time, wields political power. Don't forget it was the Pharisees that condemned Jesus to the cross, not the Romans. So anyway, Church and State were going to be separated in this land. When the Church started interfering in profits that's what happened. America was established and it was predominately white people. After 165 years America was attacked by the Japanese. Other than other white folks, that had never happened before. It was easy to tell who was Asian and so the finger was pointed at them. Same thing happened after radical Muslims attacked the twin towers. Just goes to show it is a natural response, it isn't profiling, it is predictive. If the fire burns me once, it will most likely burn me twice. Predictive.
 So now we are all hearing about critical race theory. It really isn't something new, it has been around for decades. This time however someone attached a new name to the idea. The basic idea is that all white people are racists, will never admit to being racists, and all the other races are being handicapped by the white folks. But let's go back in time a bit, back to the time when America was the big melting pot. First used in the 1780's that metaphor came into common usage in 1907 after a play of the same name. It's the same as our traditional national motto really, E Pluribus Unum, out of many, one. Note the official motto of the United States is, In God we Trust, I include that for clarity. Neither one has a thing to do with race. And who immigrated to this melting pot? Was it only other white people that wanted to live in a racist utopia? Well it was mostly Europeans that is true. Those Europeans all grouped together as white people in the common image. Were they? Well that depends now doesn't it. Depends on what part of Europe they came from. They were identified by nationality. And each group faced discrimination, bias, and disdain by other Europeans that were already here in America. Was that racist? Critical race theory certainly would say yes! That's because the basis for this theory lies in "classes" of people. Same thinking as Karl Marx. But today that is being defined just a bit differently, by race, by the color of your skin. And the white people are a separate class of people altogether in this theory, a class of people that has mistreated and subjugated all others, all white people are inherently racists. I have to wonder why all these other "races" immigrated to a land of Racists. Why would they do that? Yes, I know black people were sold into slavery during the time Europeans were in control in America. Americans abolished that practice, in its' entirety, 83 years after being founded as America. Is that something a racist society would do? Hmm, doesn't seem likely does it? What hasn't been abolished in the world, by anyone , anywhere, is circumstance. Yes, we are all born into a set of circumstances that we have no control over whatsoever. You could call that, classes. It is what Karl Marx calls it. Marx said that the imbalance in society is caused by those wishing to make money vs those working for that money. He isn't wrong but his solution is! You can't make people equal by taking from one to give to the other. Critical race theory is nothing more than a rationalization that race is the primary factor preventing success in the society. It doesn't explain why so many non-whites, if you wish to coin that term, have been so successful throughout American history. It also doesn't explain why there are so many others, around the globe, suffering in poverty, and those nations are even being controlled by those white racist folks! Perhaps it is really is something else? 
 I really think we should all be very careful when it comes to this. Critical race theory is an attempt to institute socialism or Marxism. Marxist are more concerned with political ideologies, whereas socialists are concerned with property. The basic concept is the same. everyone gets the same thing from the collective. Of course someone has to run the collective and they don't have to abide by the rules, only those doing the work. In exchange, the promise is, you will get the same as everyone else regardless of effort. It's also why that will inevitably fail. Sooner or later someone will figure it out, they are being scammed. Sooner or later the ones in control of the collective run out of others peoples money and property. Critical race theory isn't about race at all, it is about taking from one group to give to another. That in itself is a racist action, especially when you are identifying the race you wish to take from! Funny how that works isn't? Critical thinking is what is required, not a theory. Especially a theory that has yet to work in any circumstance throughout the history of man. You can change the name all you want but the theory remains the same, socialism never works.         

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