Tuesday, May 25, 2021

In defense

  I haven't been watching the news as often as I used to. It isn't anything by design, just distracted by other things I guess. I haven't been on Facebook as much either. That last statement may not be completely accurate as I certainly spend time there. But I have noticed things seem to be a bit calmer, for a lack of a better term. The combination of those things have left me wondering, what are we supposed to be upset about this week? My guess is Israel and the Palestinians. That is the meme's I see most often. I won't pretend to know much about that whole situation. All I know is that land has been disputed land since Biblical times. Anytime one group of people are bombing another group I am concerned. As I said I am woefully uninformed about all of that. 
 I have noticed that since the new administration has taken office things are calmer, in a general sense. I look at that perhaps in a way others don't. Just seems like when a certain group of people got what they wanted, the rioting, the looting, and the general unrest calmed down quite a bit. That tells me who was causing all that in the first place. That same group is busy attempting to prove an "insurrection" took place. At least that is what they label it when they aren't the ones doing it! It is just more of changing the name that has become so popular. I remember when illegal aliens became known as undocumented immigrants. Same thing, different name. It's like saying new jobs are being created when in fact, people are just getting their old job back. Same job, the only thing new is they are going to work. But, credit is taken for that while excuses are offered for the economy. All of that is being offset by what? Recovery! Yes, that is the carrot being dangled. A return to normal, the new normal. The one with all the new names.
 We did have a major pipeline hijacked by cyber hackers, really terrorists. What was the response? They were paid five million dollars! Stern warnings were issued however and an investigation launched. The Russians are being blamed once again. Construction of the Keystone pipeline, millions of dollars already invested in that project sitting idly by, was halted. Meanwhile I hear the current administration has approved something enabling a pipeline Russian controls to continue. I don't know the details of that but it doesn't sound good. I even heard a prominent member of the current administration say, pipelines are the way to go, the most efficient way of distributing oil and gas. Well, what insight! Now, I did hear some concern, some talk about cyber security. Our government lacks cyber security. Hmm, maybe they should hire Hillary Clinton for that, she seems to know how to keep secrets, or least prevent anyone from reviewing her hard drives. But, we have forgotten all about that haven't we? And Epstein, and Hunters laptop. All those inconvenient topics. 
 Well summer is just around the corner and you can go to the beach without a mask so everything is under control. People are being vaccinated at a record pace and according to the news, they are relieved. Hey only a handful of people have had serious side effects from that. I did hear a few kids had swollen hearts and breathing problems from the vaccine, only a few died, it'll be just fine. If you have any misgivings just read all the possible side effects from all the other drugs we use everyday! That's the reasoning I hear. Well for a illness that has a survival rate in excess of 98% I'm not risking any of that, but I'm the one being paranoid. Yeah, alright. 
 I do think we may be seeing the lull before the storm. The government can not keep financing calm. It has worked somewhat, this distribution of funds to assuage those feeling deprived. Soon however that will change. Given the current rise in everyday costs it's coming. Even with fifteen dollars as a minimum wage it will continue. Fifteen will be the new five. When people have to return to work to earn that money the expenditure of that money will be more closely guarded. That is to say when people have to spend their own money. That's always the issue with charity, keep giving and eventually you have to give your own! No matter how much you tax others, eventually it is your money. Then we are all the same, broke. You hear the term hesitancy being thrown about when people fail to comply with government mandates. The most current is Vaccine hesitancy. It is also being used to describe those not wishing to go to work. They are hesitant. Just what till they refuse altogether and we'll see how that works out. Fear, intimidation, and handing out a stipend every six months isn't the way to maintain a Republic! The defense of the Republic is coming and it won't be pleasant or pretty.     

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