Saturday, May 8, 2021

exceptions to the rule

   I hear the cries from the left about how divisive our society has become. I don't see it that way at all. what I see is a lot of indecisive people. That's right, a very large segment of the population can't decide on anything by themselves, they require validation for every decision they do make. Truth is, they aren't making decisions at all, they are just supporting decisions made by others. The issue lies in who they are choosing to follow. They are choosing the "fun" mommies and daddies. You know the type, those that give their children whatever they want and defend whatever choice little Johnny makes. The ones that say, just talk and reason with a child, punishment doesn't work, only reward. And most importantly, their child is never at fault, even when they are, it isn't there fault. I hear a lot of that. And that is what I hear from the left daily. And now I am responsible to protect you! It's not your responsibility at all, no, that is on me and if I don't do everything possible to protect your health and feelings, well I'm either a racist or some other "ist." If there is a divide it is between common sense and frivolity. Yes, there is a lot of frivolous nonsense being proposed these days. the least being cow farts! 
  Divisive? Yes that is what the left decries all the time, unless they are talking about being inclusive that is. If you do not agree with them you will be excluded, dismissed, chided, called names and belittled. Following that you will be informed that you are creating a divisive  atmosphere. It's your fault! You will only be included if you agree. We are all the same is the battle cry of the left. Thing is they fight their battles by pointing out how different they are. Those groups should get special consideration, special exemptions and provisions because they are the same as everyone else! It is really like I say all the time, everyone wants to be treated equally, until they are. Once that has been achieved the search for the "exceptions to the rule" begins. And you can travel back in time a few centuries if necessary to find that exception. I listened as a Professor, with this Phd explained this theory. He says he doesn't blame any white people today for slavery. Well, that's good. Then he goes on to explain that white people did benefit from that. Yes, white people , among others did benefit from that Professor. But he goes on to say I, as a white person, should pay people of color today because of that benefit. The implication being, I benefitted from slavery. Well Professor someone forgot to tell me, my parents, my grandparents, and all their parents before them! No one in my family has ever owned a slave, not ever. And I can trace my family tree back several centuries, even before America existed. I would ask this Professor if he ever took advantage of any plan, program or benefit extended to him because of his race. If he did, he benefitted from being black. It's the same logic. 
 I listened to that man and could hear it, he feeling like he should be the exception to the rule. Yes he should be equal in every way and then, just a bit more, you know to make up for the past. Thing is, that bit more doesn't make you equal, it makes you privileged. You cannot achieve equality by being treated differently. And therein lies an inconvenient truth. Equality has to be achieved individually. It isn't something that is granted. Equal opportunity may be denied that is true but that isn't equality. Opportunity isn't success however, success is a separate entity of its' own. Even when everyone gets exactly the same opportunity not everyone will achieve equal status. That's why, back in the dark ages, when I was in grade school, some kids got a Gold star and others got none! No one got to blame their third great grandparents that didn't have a schoolhouse. No, we were given the opportunity to learn, the rest was on us. 
 Divisive? Well we are certainly focused on everyone being special these days aren't we? It's a source of aggravation for me. Everyone being declared a hero. No matter what job you do today, you are a hero. The cashier at the Dollar Tree, a hero, the girl flipping a binger at Mickie D's a hero. Truck drivers, doctors, the garbage man, a hero. Well it's pretty hard to have a cohesive society when everyone is special. We have even started putting up parking signs for that! Soon we will all have to choose our parking spot based on a ranking system. Now those physically handicapped should get the closest spot to the door, that's reasonable. But all the others? Well, should it be veterans, wounded veterans, firefighters, nurses, first responders, and then the kid flipping burgers, or should it be in some other order. Everyone equal but rank differently. That's not devisive is it? No, that's the exceptions to the rule. That's how that works.  

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