Friday, May 14, 2021


  Just heard on the news that the CDC is now saying no masks for those fully vaccinated. Well, except in some situations that is. On airplanes, buses, the Drs. office, and a few other places. But not outside. Well, as long stay away from everyone else. But at the end of that story the question was asked, how will we know who is vaccinated and who is not? The answer is, we will use the honor system. Yes, we are being told to just take their word for it. If I am not wearing a mask that means I am fully vaccinated. Okay, sounds like a plan doesn't it? Well all I can say is this, if I choose to not receive the vaccination do you honestly believe I will advertise that by wearing a mask? I have chosen to not get the vaccine for a reason, a reason those getting it do not agree with. But yeah, sure, I'll be sure to wear a mask to inform you of that. Look, setting aside all the ethics involved in this, what is that really saying? It is really saying, no one really needs to be wearing masks anymore. That's the bottom line. The risk is minimal. Fact is it always has been. 
 But now the CDC offers you a bone, good puppy. At first they told you Covid 19 was killing thousands, people are dropping like flies! The body count was broadcast daily. The country was placed in lockdown. Shelter in place! This virus is killing the old people. it's killing the young people, we have no defense! Wear a mask, stay six feet apart, and don't go to work. Then we heard, wear two masks! Finally though the miracle vaccine appears, well three of them in fact, in record time. But people are hesitant to be injected with a substance that is designed to modify their dna. Some people are doing independent research, learning about side effects. So the plan becomes, bribery. Offers of cash to get the jab. That doesn't seem to be having the desired effect so a new ploy is developed. The vaccine can now be given to children. But, we are warned, if your child isn't vaccinated they will be ostracized from society! No school or activities for them until they comply! Strange I haven't heard anything about the honor system being applied in that situation. 
 It would seem certain powers are trying everything at their disposal to destroy the nation. They have tried allowing illegals to invade, they have tried erasing history, tearing down statues, they are promoting racial tensions, a plandemic that it is hoped will lead to financial collapse. Does anyone believe that Colonial Pipeline actually payed 5 million dollars to a Russian hacking group to open the pipeline? They may have raised 5 million in increased revenue by jacking the price of gas but I'm not buying the whole ransom thing? Isn't it a policy of the United States to not pay ransom? Or has that policy changed with this new administration? Well, whatever the case really is, it didn't happen by accident. 
 The honor system? Yeah, that is what this administration wants for the next election cycle as well. Just mail in a ballot, it's the honor system. If you are in the United States you can vote! If you mail it in early enough you won't even have to be in the United States. Hey, it's the honor system. If you are fully vaccinated but still afraid that someone that isn't vaccinated may transmit the virus, wear a mask! You make your choice and I'll make mine. It's the honorable thing to do.  

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