Thursday, November 5, 2020

Poor Joe

 Well I have to say the whole mail-in ballot is going just about as most of us expected. Truth be told, the Democrats expected this to happen as well, although they appeared to promote it. I believe their thinking was simply, what the heck, even if it does nothing but muddy the waters it'll be worth it. It has certainly done that. Still counting, and what's more disturbing to me is in Pa. they are still waiting for more ballots, accepting them until Friday! I don't care which party you are supporting, accepting votes three days after an election, with results being broadcast, just isn't right. Talk about the integrity of the system! I mean, c'mon man! My social media post was, " can we announce the winner of the lottery and then pick the numbers? " That, in my opinion is pretty much what we are witnessing here today. I'm not denying I wanted the Republican party to win this, I'm not saying anyone is cheating, I am saying the whole deal stinks! Drop boxes on street corners, ballots mailed in from whoever, and now hours and hours of verifying the validity off those ballots. The process has effectively been destroyed. 
 No matter who gets in the white house the country will remain forever changed. Mail in voting is here to stay folks. It will become the prevalent form for one reason, and one reason only, convenience. Yes, this time the excuse was covid, oh it wasn't safe to go to the polls. It was fine to go to the grocery store, liquor store, and Walmart but the polls, way too risky. In two years, when the mid-terms roll around, they won't even offer an excuse, it'll be mail in your ballots. I won't be surprised if they insist you do that even earlier, you know, to allow more time for counting. Many people will shout about their right to vote while saying; but it should be easy! They shouldn't have to prove their identity, they shouldn't have to show up at all, just drop a ballot in the box on the street corner. Yeah, that satisfies my right to vote. Whether that vote is legal or not it should be counted because, well, I dropped in the box on the street corner. And in Pa. at least, it can be counted three days after the election, no problem. 
 I won't be a bit surprised if the Supreme court has to hear arguments over this. Oh, a president will be chosen. I believe the system will just keep rolling on. Just who will be standing there inauguration day remains to be seen. It is looking like old Joe may prevail. I'm in the crowd that says even if he does he won't be in that position long. He was presented as a choice simply because Kamala stood no chance, even with the Democratic base. The political strategists knew that, but she looked great as a second. Then, if Joe managed to pull it off, if that base really were that gullible, really did harbor enough hate for Trump to destroy their own prosperity, they could just remove Biden and bang, the first woman President of the United States, and a woman of color to boot! She will be easy to control. It's a great deal for her as well. And we can all feel sorry for poor old Joe, he lost his son, his other son is a disgrace, and now he is senile. Poor Joe. What an American hero and legislation to erect a statue of him in place of the Lincoln Memorial will be passed.     

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