Friday, November 27, 2020


  Thanksgiving 2020 will be remembered for the unusual. an unusual that may become the norm one day. My grandson was feeling a little under the weather, as the saying goes, and was unable to get a covid test. As a result he refused to come into contact with the rest of the family instead eating his Thanksgiving dinner on the front porch. We had set up a table facing the window so we could see each other. Using the modern technology available to us, Alexa was connected so we could converse with one another. All in all it was still a pleasant experience and I am grateful we got to spend time together, sorta. Well, the day went well the weather cooperated and everyone had a good time.
 I get up this morning and realize it is Black Friday. I'm guessing that is certainly going to be different than in years past. I'm certain the retailers aren't happy about the restrictions, or perhaps they are. I'm thinking there won't be the crowds, the pushing, the shoving and all that. That would be great if that returns to normal, you know, when we were young and people didn't try to kill each other over a sale item! Well it remains to be seen how this sale day will play out. Never one to participate in this odd ritual it won't be any different for me. I dislike crowds in the first place. As far as any big savings to take advantage of, I don't recall anything being on sale that I felt essential to have. Still I guess there are "essential" shoppers. Will there be protests today? 
 Following Black Friday cyber Monday emerged as a big event. I did take advantage of some sale I saw on cyber Monday. I don't remember what it was, but I remember feeling pretty modern doing so. I don't think cyber Monday has ever reached the heights of Black Friday though. Amazon appears to dominate in that market place. I saw where you can now just tell Alexa to buy what you want on Amazon, no keystrokes required. I saw my granddaughter do that yesterday, taking advantage on a sale item by doing so. 
 Of course none of this sale stuff is new. In 1878 a salesman was concerned about slow sales. This happened in January. The shoppers had purchased all their items for Christmas. Then he had a stroke of genius. He invented the White sale. In those days the only color sheets and linens came in was white. They had a big stockpile of those items. They weren't popular Christmas gifts I suppose. So, the white sale was born. I remember seeing those ads as a kid. After the Christmas decorations came down, the white sale signs went up. Living in New England I figured the white sale had something to do with snow. It didn't, it was just about selling linens and such. At some point over the decades white sales started popping up at any time of the year, not just January. Today, the stuff probably isn't white. 
 Now mattresses and cars are always on sale. Have you noticed that? They are always on sale, advertised at drastic savings, deep cuts, and special financing available. It really doesn't matter what your situation is, they will say yes, well until you ask anyway. I did purchase a new mattress several years ago, online though, not at the mattress store. I purchased a new car back in 1975, a Gremlin, haven't bought another new car since. I'm not surprised the government had to bail out the auto makers given the dealers are always selling them 10,000 dollars below invoice. I'm not a business major but I don't think you can make much profit doing that. Still, rarely have I seen a car dealership go out of business. Trying to solve that riddle is like answering the question, what do women want. 
 Christmas is next. I expect it to be a bit different as well, That will only be in the number people in attendance on Christmas morning. We haven't had any children at home with us in many years now, so many I can't remember when the last one was. We did have the grandchildren but somehow they got older. The grandson doesn't live at his parents house anymore having gone off to college. He now has an apartment of his own. The granddaughter is still at home but being 18, not an early riser. Christmas morning will be half over before she gets out of bed. Well, time marches on. As far as New Years, we haven't celebrated that event in many, many years now. I lost interest when Guy Lombardo and the Royal Canadiens no longer attended. Still, there will be the white sales in January. I just wonder how long it will be before "cyber shopping" is the normal way and going to an actual store a novelty thing, a bit of nostalgia?  

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