Wednesday, November 25, 2020

No harm, no foul

  Just the other day I was writing about choices. Yesterday I'm listening to the evening news and hear about a new plan. A new, young candidate has won the Mayoral election for Baltimore. His name is Brandon Scott and he was a former board member. I don't really pay close attention to the politics in Baltimore city. A democratically controlled city with a history of violence and corruption. The previous three Mayors all being corrupt  and spending time in prison. One of them, Shelia Dixon, had been released and was in the current race. Oh, she had her supporters, as unlikely as that would seem, she went to jail for using gift cards donated to the city to buy Christmas gifts for underprivileged children, to buy game systems for her own children. Ah, but she was forgiven for that and some cast their ballot for her to lead the city once again. So Brandon Scott prevailed and I thought perhaps that would be a good thing. I listened to some of his campaign and agreed with him. A young, black, Democrat that had seen three previous Mayors disgraced and jailed, I figured he may have learned from that. But after listening to him speak last evening on the news about a new program being proposed, and considered, I'm starting to have my doubts. If that is how he intends to govern, I can't support him. I don't live in Baltimore city and am not affected, but still, it is a matter of principle.
 He was on television talking about a new "harm reduction" plan. You know they have many overdoses in Baltimore. People are using illegal street drugs and killing themselves. They often don't seek help because, and this statement got my attention, we have criminalized that! Yes, that is what he said. My first thought was, well that's because it is a crime! Imagine, if you will, criminalizing an action because it is a crime, an illegal activity. Now we could reduce the harm being done by this by providing a "safe space" to perform that illegal activity. He didn't say they wanted to decriminalize the use and possession of illegal drugs, just reduce the harm caused by that. If the city were to provide a safe, clean, space fully staffed with medical professionals to administer those drugs, the harm would be reduced. By providing clean, sterile needles, medical experts to monitor the dosage, administer Narcan when necessary, and help them navigate their trips that will be an improvement. Hey no harm, no foul. The estimate is that it would only cost about 1.8 million a year. We could make this dangerous, illegal activity, into a safe recreational sport! It will reduce crime as well, beginning with not arresting anyone that shows up in the safe space with illegal street drugs. No plans yet for safe drug markets, but wouldn't that logically follow? Well, we are talking about Democrats and logic, often the two don't mix. 
 It was explained that this has been tried in over a hundred places around the world. I was aware of that having been in the Navy and traveled all over. You hear about all sorts of vice allowed in other nations. You have to remember the majority of service members are under thirty. Sailors didn't get their reputation for going to church or site seeing important historical areas around the world. Yes indeed, I have seen the seedy side of life in many countries. Thing is, this "harm reduction" plan doesn't really work. The reason is simple enough, it doesn't reduce the harm to those using the drugs, it just minimizes the harm to the community in general. With a few exceptions these "do your drug zones" do not prohibit the person who is now high to leave that facility. So, now you just have drug addicts walking the streets that probably won't die. That isn't to say they won't keep on doing what they have always done, whatever is necessary to afford the next fix. Is that really "harm reduction" to those people? Using that logic I want armed security with me when I rob the bank, you know, in case someone doesn't want to cooperate. It's still illegal to rob the bank, but I'm protected when doing so. Sounds like a fine plan. 
 Following that plan, one no decision has been made on, but one he at least gives tacit approval too, Brandon Scott pledges to get the homicide rate down below 300 a year. He didn't have a plan for that though. other than to have fewer people shooting each other. The homicide rate is connected to the illegal drug though, no denying that. Perhaps that is the plan. If they create a safe space to sell illegal drugs, that won't be illegal, and then the criminals won't feel criminalized and behave in a more civilized fashion. They will stop shooting each other. If the city controls the "territory" there is no need to fight for the streets. Heck, maybe they could just legally sell illegal drugs in a shop provided by the city and solve the whole problem. No harm, no foul. Seems like the way to govern is changing in a fundamental way. If we just legalize everything no one will break the law. Then all we need to do is provide a safe space, stocked with professionals to mitigate any issues. 

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